Nonlagging Tools - page 3



thanks very much for the quick reply. Changing the values as described did the trick. Once again, thanks.



You Rock


By the way igord i have change little thing it might help i have changed MathCos to MathArccos and some time give a early signal but still working on it.


Hy name collegue,

Thanks again for some awsome programming.

I would like to point you to some problem of the NonlagMA.

It shows serious instabillity on different brokers. The NonlagMA used with filter shows great simmularitys with the StepMA7.1 indicator , wich I personnaly find one of the best indicators ever made.

The problem is when introducing this indicator in trading systems on forums, that depending on different brokers, people will have different signals or results. A bit the same problem as some stepmastoch indicator had. That in contrast with the stepMA7.1 wich shows and proof a great stability on different brokers platforms

I posted 2 images of 2 different platforms. 1 of the alpari platform and 1 of the FXDD platform.

I placed the stepMA7.1 indicator on the chart and the NonLagMA on the chart. The 2 platforms have a difference of 1 hour cet. As you can see the StepMA7.1 turns on the 2 chart on the exact same bar from short to long and on the exact same bar from long to short (red vertical lines). The NonlagMa on the other hand goes from short to long on different bars and from long to short again on different bars (green vertical lines). As you can see both NonlagMA have the same values.

So it has nothing to do with different kind of data because the stepMA7.1 turns on exact the same bars were the NonlagMa fails to do this.

Hopefully something can be done to this instability. As I said, otherwise it will be difficult to introduce this indicator in strategys to be backtested or in trading systems because people will all have different results depending on wich broker they use.

Thanks a lott in advance...iGoR

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You mean that this indicator is showing differently with different brokers because each broker is having different data and this indicator is showing everything according to particular broker's data (which is different)?

May be it is good ...

Sorry I did not check it.



As I said IF those 2 brokers have different data why does the stepMa7.1 show exact the same signals on the exact same bar were the NonlagMa fails to do this?...if the difference would be 1 or 2 bars then I would not call this a serious instability. But the difference in signals on the NonlagMa is far more then 2 bars difference...( brokers can have 1 or 2 pips difference but no differences in such a way that those signals can be so differently) meaning that on the end of the day I could make profit and you could have made a loss.

friendly regards...iGoR


May be.

I know that brokers' data are different on high/low more than on close bar. It may be 1 or 3 bars on the close bar but it may be much more for high/low.

I can not read the code easy and i did not found any "high/low" inside:

price = iMA(NULL,0,1,0,MODE_SMA,Price,shift+i);

So mode is SMA and price is close by default.

I think Igorad may answer this question.

All that I know that he developed this indicator for the long time (we communicated by pm) and it was really hard work to program this indicator starting from original idea up to the 4th version of the indicator.


Hi newdigital,

Would you agree with the following 2 statements:

1) The very nature of an indicator is to remove noise.

2) Differences between data feeds is one kind of noise.

If you do, then you agree that an indicator should give the same signals on different data feeds. Otherwise, it doesn't fill the "robustness" criteria. (Of course a difference of 1 bar is fine, I hope you see what I mean).

Anyway, well done and many thanks igorad for your precious inputs to the indicator community!

May be.

I know that brokers' data are different on high/low more than on close bar. It may be 1 or 3 bars on the close bar but it may be much more for high/low.

I can not read the code easy and i did not found any "high/low" inside:

price = iMA(NULL,0,1,0,MODE_SMA,Price,shift+i);

So mode is SMA and price is close by default.

I think Igorad may answer this question.

All that I know that he developed this indicator for the long time (we communicated by pm) and it was really hard work to program this indicator starting from original idea up to the 4th version of the indicator.

Just a few remarks that come to my mind as I write.

About what I said on "robustness": indeed, one might argue that it's the data feeds that are not robust! But for all practical purposes, because I can't get the "ideal" feed, I have to put back the "robustness" criteria on the indicators, not on the feeds (if one excludes very bad feeds from brokers with too little volume or whatever).

Back to the feeds, you can get different data from the *same* broker! For an illustration take a 1 minute chart on Alpari demo feed: you may receive 1 tick for a given candle, while I don't receive any tick at all. I simply won't have any candle for that minute on my chart. This kind of noise isn't as rare as one might think. Of course, for longer time frames the impact will be very limited.




Igor, could you post your StepMA 7.1 indicator please. Thanks.

Igor, could you post your StepMA 7.1 indicator please. Thanks.

post#62 of "Woodie's choppy zone indicator" thread: