Indicators Overflood?


My metatrader cannot show all the indicators (in the 'expert/indicators' folder) in the custom indicators navigator. It just showing 522 out of 588 indicators that i have. That's metatrader limitation or my setting problem? Anyone experienced this?


I can only see my custom indicators from a-s. t-z do not show up anymore. They did up till today. I even reloaded metatrader4 and the same thing.

My metatrader cannot show all the indicators (in the 'expert/indicators' folder) in the custom indicators navigator. It just showing 522 out of 588 indicators that i have. That's metatrader limitation or my setting problem? Anyone experienced this?

Are u a trader or indicators collector?


same here, i added bunch of new indicators and navigator window could not display all of them so i spent all sunday and monday cleaning indicators i dont need

check log files, some indicators make huge log files and that can slow down mt4 and maybe it can cause indicator owerflow problem i think

Kalenzo-senior member ,told me there is no limit for indicators in mt4...styll not sure

Are u a trader or indicators collector?

Haha.. I am really collecting indicators... in real trading, i use no indicators. Just wondering is the mt4 has limitation on showing up all those indicators.