Quick dummy question


How can I send a comment to the chart on the line below, my comments are overwriting and only appearing on the same line at the top of the chart?

How can I send a comment to the chart on the line below, my comments are overwriting and only appearing on the same line at the top of the chart?

For the next line you could use "\n" . Maybe this example could help you :

firstlineCOMMENT = "this is first line";

secondlineCOMMENT = "\nthis is secone line";

thirdlineCOMMENT = "\nthis is third line";


Hope this help

For the next line you could use "\n" . Maybe this example could help you :
firstlineCOMMENT = "this is first line";

secondlineCOMMENT = "\nthis is secone line";

thirdlineCOMMENT = "\nthis is third line";

Hope this help

Thanks Dave, yes it puts it on the next line, but for some reason I only have one line at a time displaying, I want to have

firstcomment("some info", stuff)

then on the next line on the chart

secondcomment(("some more info", stuff1)

so it appears on the chart like this

some info 204

some more info 210

I only get the last line each time

Thanks a lot for your help


Looking at some other code, I see what you mean about putting \n in the comment line as in

Comment("\nYesterday quotations:\nH ",yesterday_high,"\nL ",yesterday_low, "\nC ",yesterday_close);

but I wanted to print a comment from 2 different lines in the code, like this

if (somecode=othercode){

Comment("Yesterday quotations");}

if (anothercode=yetanother){

Comment("\nTodays quotations");}

With this all I get is the second comment

Todays quotations

not 2 lines


Another trick that I use is don't print the comment right away, just set a variable for each line comment. After the checking routine is done, then print all comment variable.

Example :

if (somecode=othercode){

Comment1 = "Yesterday quotations";}

if (anothercode=yetanother){

Comment2 = "\nTodays quotations";}


Maybe other programmer got other solution. Hope this help