Median Line


Anyone have this book Timothy Morge ???



I have seen some of his works free on the net. I have been looking for and have not seen his newest book free yet. Try the free trading ebook website. I am not exactly sure of the address but do some searching in this forum. There is also some works, or similar, at the trading-naked website (Great site by the way).


Help Me ... !

I have very interest to learn Median Lines method, so i have been look for "Trading With Median Lines" book. i could not found for e-book version.

If i want to buy this book (real book), where someone recomanded me to buy it ?

i have sent an email to but there is no respon from admin, so i have been doubt he/she still sell this book or not.

to : leutzuro

where did you buy this book ?

check your PM

sorry for my poor english


I have not this book

I also want to keep this book

could any one help me to find where i can buy or e-book