Does metatrader work with optionsXpress?


My wife is into option trading, she has several strategies I could possibly automate to some degree, and I'm wondering if metatrader4 would be usable for her too or if it just does currencies?


It can do anything but you need to find a broker that offers the instrument you're looking for and has MetaTrader as trading platform. I don't know if there's any place where you can trade options with MetaTrader.

Edit: Sorry i'm not sure though. I don't know anything about options and on the Metaquotes site it says "MetaTrader 4 is an online trading platform designed for financial institutions dealing with Forex, CFD, and Futures markets"


probably not then. ok thanks.

It can do anything but you need to find a broker that offers the instrument you're looking for and has MetaTrader as trading platform. I don't know if there's any place where you can trade options with MetaTrader. Edit: Sorry i'm not sure though. I don't know anything about options and on the Metaquotes site it says "MetaTrader 4 is an online trading platform designed for financial institutions dealing with Forex, CFD, and Futures markets"

North Finance has CFD as to trade but Meta Trader doesnt work because you first need to request execution and then submit buy or sell. Not sure how it can be implemented in code. There is no "request execution" order befoe "OrderSent". Or Im missing something?