Coding help - page 502


Good day mladen,

hope you well.

could you clear the compiling errors in the below


dear Mladen,

Below is another EA with compiling errors. could you clear up

Dearest MLADEN, can i remind you the post 4973 at previous page,

Dearest MLADEN,

can i ask if my question is invalid (that i asked in post 4973).




Im very satisfied with this dynamic price zone indicator and wonder if it was possible to make it mtf compatible and add regular alerts including push?



Im very satisfied with this dynamic price zone indicator and wonder if it was possible to make it mtf compatible and add regular alerts including push?



This one is mtf (new mt4 compatible) with alerts

NWFstudent This one is mtf (new mt4 compatible) with alerts

Thanks for the reference, but it is not quietly what i was looking for.


Thanks for the reference, but it is not quietly what i was looking for. Thanks


If you set the "Length" parameter on the dynamic price zone 2 to 1, you are going to get same values as in the "simple" dynamic zone price zone, with the mtf and alerts in it.

So you have more options in the version 2 and you can have the same values as in the original first version too

Simplest way would be to place :

uint startTime = GetTickCount();

at the beginning of the code you wish to check, and then :

uint elapsedTime = GetTickCount()-startTime;

at the end. It should (with a couple of milliseconds overhead) give you the elapsed time in milliseconds

Tested it and it works just fine

Thanks again


If you set the "Length" parameter on the dynamic price zone 2 to 1, you are going to get same values as in the "simple" dynamic zone price zone, with the mtf and alerts in it.

So you have more options in the version 2 and you can have the same values as in the original first version too

Thanks for clarification

Dearest MLADEN

so much thanks for early response and very kind and helpful tip,every day needed,one more question of same kind.....if dot can be replaced with underscore ( . , _ ),it solved the problem but i dont know,is it right ? and if not bad or wrong effects to efficiency of the indi,if it also does not needs any further new coding or replacement in coding.




From that list, it is obvious that you still have some dots in the variable names left.

In the new mt4 dots in the variable names are reserved for classes and objects. Hence, if they are not referring to any of those, they must all be replaced with some other character. The least "painful" is the "_", so after you replace all the "." in variable names with "_", it should be OK