Coding help - page 202


Unable to move Text output on chart without errors???

The current range information text output is covered by price candles. My coding skills are inadequate with every attempt ending in errors. I am just trying to move the text output on the chart as illustrated. Can someone please help? Many thanks in advance!!!ant-gubreakout.mq4

The current range information text output is covered by price candles. My coding skills are inadequate with every attempt ending in errors. I am just trying to move the text output on the chart as illustrated. Can someone please help? Many thanks in advance!!!ant-gubreakout.mq4


When using metatrader 4 we can not chose the anchor for text type objects (metatrader 4 always uses a fixed anchor for such objects that we can not change). Attaching one version that modifies the position of the text (use TEXT_OFFSET for that) but sometimes you will have to change its value and the alignment is not 100% perfect

daytrade5 When using metatrader 4 we can not chose the anchor for text type objects (metatrader 4 always uses a fixed anchor for such objects that we can not change). Attaching one version that modifies the position of the text (use TEXT_OFFSET for that) but sometimes you will have to change its value and the alignment is not 100% perfect

OK....thank you so much. I never would have figured that out.


Good mooring, please help with this order alert mq4 - when an order is closed it will send an alert but now it sends for every symbol per chart open on the profile rather than just the relevant symbol actioned.

kind regards,

Good mooring, please help with this order alert mq4 - when an order is closed it will send an alert but now it sends for every symbol per chart open on the profile rather than just the relevant symbol actioned. kind regards,


Try it out now


cant figure how to get the values from 4 cci


i got another question, the first problem i got solved. thanks for this mladen

i have found the 4 cci here by mladen and i like it very much, i know it repaints but it still works very got for me.

i am trying to get the 4 values into another selfmade indicator but i just can't find out how.

i tried the bool line from the previous page with the values from the 4cci but it didn't work for me.

i guess there is a easy solution for experienced codes, but i already spend a lot of time and can't figure it out.

thanks in advice



#property copyright "mladen"

#property link ""


#property indicator_separate_window

#property indicator_buffers 8

#property indicator_color1 LimeGreen

#property indicator_color2 PaleVioletRed

#property indicator_color3 LimeGreen

#property indicator_color4 PaleVioletRed

#property indicator_color5 LimeGreen

#property indicator_color6 PaleVioletRed

#property indicator_color7 LimeGreen

#property indicator_color8 PaleVioletRed

#property indicator_minimum 0

#property indicator_maximum 5






extern string TimeFrame1 = "Current time frame";

extern string TimeFrame2 = "next1";

extern string TimeFrame3 = "next2";

extern string TimeFrame4 = "next3";

extern int Period_CCI = 24;

extern string UniqueID = "4 Time CCI Slopes ";

extern int LinesWidth = 0;

extern color LabelsColor = DarkGray;

extern int LabelsHorizontalShift = 5;

extern double LabelsVerticalShift = 1.5;

extern bool alertsOn = false;

extern int alertsLevel = 3;

extern bool alertsMessage = FALSE;

extern bool alertsSound = false;

extern bool alertsEmail = false;






double gosc1u[];

double gosc1d[];

double gosc2u[];

double gosc2d[];

double gosc3u[];

double gosc3d[];

double gosc4u[];

double gosc4d[];

int timeFrames[4];

bool returnBars;

string indicatorFileName;









int init()










indicatorFileName = WindowExpertName();

returnBars = (TimeFrame1=="returnBars"); if (returnBars) return(0);






for (int i=0; i<8; i++)


SetIndexStyle(i,DRAW_ARROW,EMPTY,LinesWidth); SetIndexArrow(i,110);


timeFrames[0] = stringToTimeFrame(TimeFrame1);

timeFrames[1] = stringToTimeFrame(TimeFrame2);

timeFrames[2] = stringToTimeFrame(TimeFrame3);

timeFrames[3] = stringToTimeFrame(TimeFrame4);

alertsLevel = MathMin(MathMax(alertsLevel,3),4);




int deinit()


for (int t=0; t<4; t++) ObjectDelete(UniqueID+t);











double trend[][6];

#define _up 0

#define _dn 1

#define _hl1 2

#define _hl2 3

#define _hl3 4

#define _hl4 5

int start()


int i,r,count,counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();

if(counted_bars < 0) return(-1);

if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars--;

int limit = MathMin(Bars-counted_bars,Bars-1);

if (returnBars) { gosc1u[0] = limit+1; return(0); }

if (timeFrames[0] != Period()) limit = MathMax(limit,MathMin(Bars-1,iCustom(NULL,timeFrames[0],indicatorFileName,"returnBars",0,0)*timeFrames[0]/Period()));

if (timeFrames[1] != Period()) limit = MathMax(limit,MathMin(Bars-1,iCustom(NULL,timeFrames[1],indicatorFileName,"returnBars",0,0)*timeFrames[1]/Period()));

if (timeFrames[2] != Period()) limit = MathMax(limit,MathMin(Bars-1,iCustom(NULL,timeFrames[2],indicatorFileName,"returnBars",0,0)*timeFrames[2]/Period()));

if (timeFrames[3] != Period()) limit = MathMax(limit,MathMin(Bars-1,iCustom(NULL,timeFrames[3],indicatorFileName,"returnBars",0,0)*timeFrames[3]/Period()));

if (ArrayRange(trend,0)!=Bars) ArrayResize(trend,Bars);






bool initialized = false;

if (!initialized)


initialized = true;

int window = WindowFind(UniqueID);

for (int t=0; t<4; t++)


string label = timeFrameToString(timeFrames[t]);







for (t=0; t<4; t++) ObjectSet(UniqueID+t,OBJPROP_TIME1,Time[0]+Period()*LabelsHorizontalShift*60);






for(i = limit, r=Bars-i-1; i >= 0; i--,r++)


trend[r][_up] = 0;

trend[r][_dn] = 0;

trend[r][_hl1] = trend[r-1][_hl1];

trend[r][_hl2] = trend[r-1][_hl2];

trend[r][_hl3] = trend[r-1][_hl3];

trend[r][_hl4] = trend[r-1][_hl4];

for (int k=0; k<4; k++)


int y = iBarShift(NULL,timeFrames[k],Time);

double cciNow = iCCI(NULL, timeFrames[k], Period_CCI, PRICE_TYPICAL, y);

double cciPre = iCCI(NULL, timeFrames[k], Period_CCI, PRICE_TYPICAL, y+1);

if (cciNow>cciPre) trend[r][k+2] = 1;

if (cciNow<cciPre) trend[r][k+2] = -1;

switch (k)


case 0 : if (trend[r][k+2]==1) { gosc1u = k+1; gosc1d = EMPTY_VALUE;} else { gosc1d = k+1; gosc1u = EMPTY_VALUE; } break;

case 1 : if (trend[r][k+2]==1) { gosc2u = k+1; gosc2d = EMPTY_VALUE;} else { gosc2d = k+1; gosc2u = EMPTY_VALUE; } break;

case 2 : if (trend[r][k+2]==1) { gosc3u = k+1; gosc3d = EMPTY_VALUE;} else { gosc3d = k+1; gosc3u = EMPTY_VALUE; } break;

case 3 : if (trend[r][k+2]==1) { gosc4u = k+1; gosc4d = EMPTY_VALUE;} else { gosc4d = k+1; gosc4u = EMPTY_VALUE; } break;


if (trend[r][k+2]==1)

trend[r][_up] += 1;

else trend[r][_dn] += 1;














void manageAlerts()


if (alertsOn)


int whichBar = Bars-1;

if (trend[whichBar][_up] >= alertsLevel || trend[whichBar][_dn] >= alertsLevel)


if (trend[whichBar][_up] >= alertsLevel) doAlert("up" ,trend[whichBar][_up]);

if (trend[whichBar][_dn] >= alertsLevel) doAlert("down",trend[whichBar][_dn]);









void doAlert(string doWhat, int howMany)


static string previousAlert="nothing";

static datetime previousTime;

string message;

if (previousAlert != doWhat || previousTime != Time[0]) {

previousAlert = doWhat;

previousTime = Time[0];






message = Symbol()+" at "+TimeToStr(TimeLocal(),TIME_SECONDS)+" "+howMany+" time frames of MA trends are aligned "+doWhat;

if (alertsMessage) Alert(message);

if (alertsEmail) SendMail(Symbol()+" 4 time frame MA trends",message);

if (alertsSound) PlaySound("alert2.wav");











string sTfTable[] = {"M1","M5","M15","M30","H1","H4","D1","W1","MN"};

int iTfTable[] = {1,5,15,30,60,240,1440,10080,43200};






int toInt(double value) { return(value); }

int stringToTimeFrame(string tfs)


tfs = stringUpperCase(tfs);

int max = ArraySize(iTfTable)-1, add=0;

int nxt = (StringFind(tfs,"NEXT1")>-1); if (nxt>0) { tfs = ""+Period(); add=1; }

nxt = (StringFind(tfs,"NEXT2")>-1); if (nxt>0) { tfs = ""+Period(); add=2; }

nxt = (StringFind(tfs,"NEXT3")>-1); if (nxt>0) { tfs = ""+Period(); add=3; }






for (int i=max; i>=0; i--)

if (tfs==sTfTable || tfs==""+iTfTable) return(MathMax(iTfTable[toInt(MathMin(max,i+add))],Period()));



string timeFrameToString(int tf)


for (int i=ArraySize(iTfTable)-1; i>=0; i--)

if (tf==iTfTable) return(sTfTable);








string stringUpperCase(string str)


string s = str;

for (int length=StringLen(str)-1; length>=0; length--)


int char = StringGetChar(s, length);

if((char > 96 && char 223 && char < 256))

s = StringSetChar(s, length, char - 32);

else if(char > -33 && char < 0)

s = StringSetChar(s, length, char + 224);




i got another question, the first problem i got solved. thanks for this mladen

i have found the 4 cci here by mladen and i like it very much, i know it repaints but it still works very got for me.

i am trying to get the 4 values into another selfmade indicator but i just can't find out how.

i tried the bool line from the previous page with the values from the 4cci but it didn't work for me.

i guess there is a easy solution for experienced codes, but i already spend a lot of time and can't figure it out.

thanks in advice



Why don't you simply use iCCI() call instead 4 times (it will be much simpler even code wise)?


you are right, i will do this.

thanks again


pls can someone help me to add arrows at the cross of this stochaastic



Hi I need help:

I have a nice Trendindicatoe which is coloring the candles green and read for the trend. But is has a bug: its not able to have the colours stay the same when changing the timeframe. But worse is the fact that the wigs are hardly to be seen and I cant change this.

Would someone have a look please?

Thanks a lot. I attach the indicator

t3_thv.ex4  5 kb