Email - page 11


Please Added Alter and Email sending option to this Indicator

Can someone please Alert and Email option to this indicator and if possible can be enabled and disabled option for them .

#property indicator_chart_window

#property indicator_buffers 2

#property indicator_color1 DodgerBlue

#property indicator_color2 Red

double gda_76[];

double gda_80[];

extern int FasterMode = 1;

extern int FasterMA = 13;

extern int SlowerMode = 1;

extern int SlowerMA = 25;

int init() {

SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_ARROW, EMPTY);

SetIndexArrow(0, 233);

SetIndexBuffer(0, gda_76);

SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_ARROW, EMPTY);

SetIndexArrow(1, 234);

SetIndexBuffer(1, gda_80);

return (0);


int deinit() {

return (0);


int start() {

int li_8;

double ld_12;

double ld_20;

double ld_28;

double ld_36;

double ld_44;

double ld_52;

double ld_60;

double ld_68;

int li_76 = IndicatorCounted();

if (li_76 < 0) return (-1);

if (li_76 > 0) li_76--;

int li_0 = Bars - li_76;

for (int li_4 = 0; li_4 <= li_0; li_4++) {

li_8 = li_4;

ld_60 = 0;

ld_68 = 0;

for (li_8 = li_4; li_8 <= li_4 + 9; li_8++) ld_68 += MathAbs(High[li_8] - Low[li_8]);

ld_60 = ld_68 / 10.0;

ld_12 = iMA(NULL, 0, FasterMA, 0, FasterMode, PRICE_CLOSE, li_4);

ld_28 = iMA(NULL, 0, FasterMA, 0, FasterMode, PRICE_CLOSE, li_4 + 1);

ld_44 = iMA(NULL, 0, FasterMA, 0, FasterMode, PRICE_CLOSE, li_4 - 1);

ld_20 = iMA(NULL, 0, SlowerMA, 0, SlowerMode, PRICE_CLOSE, li_4);

ld_36 = iMA(NULL, 0, SlowerMA, 0, SlowerMode, PRICE_CLOSE, li_4 + 1);

ld_52 = iMA(NULL, 0, SlowerMA, 0, SlowerMode, PRICE_CLOSE, li_4 - 1);

if (ld_12 > ld_20 && ld_28 ld_52) gda_76[li_4] = Low[li_4] - ld_60 / 2.0;


if (ld_12 ld_36 && ld_44 < ld_52) gda_80[li_4] = High[li_4] + ld_60 / 2.0;


return (0);



Thanks in Advance


Can someone please Alert and Email option to this indicator and if possible can be enabled and disabled option for them .


Thanks in Advance

Do you know the theory behind this ea? Why dont you go back to the one who wrote it and has them to make your alterations? Yes its been decompiled and the author doesnt know it. The theory behind this indicator is so simple I am supprize you cant make the changes yourself.



Do you know the theory behind this ea? Why dont you go back to the one who wrote it and has them to make your alterations? Yes its been decompiled and the author doesnt know it. The theory behind this indicator is so simple I am supprize you cant make the changes yourself.

I am not coder and I donot know anything about codeing .

I am new bie .

This a indicator not EA .


MetaTrader email problems

I was trying to setup my alerts to be emailed to my gmail account. But I keep getting this error. I am using outlook 2007 already and using the correct settings in metatrader. However I keep getting an error message saying; Mail 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. Not sure what this means can anyone help me or point me in the right direction?



This is really giving me a had time with gmail. I tried everything I can think of. I'm not going to pay for yahoo plus. Did anyone else get there gmail account to work

Mail: 530 5.7.0 must issue a STARTTLS command first.

What the hell does that mean. Its driving me nuts!

This is really giving me a had time with gmail. I tried everything I can think of. I'm not going to pay for yahoo plus. Did anyone else get there gmail account to work

Mail: 530 5.7.0 must issue a STARTTLS command first.

What the hell does that mean. Its driving me nuts!

Sorry to say I had exactly the same problem with Gmail a couple of years ago and spent hours and hours on the net trying to find a solution. I never cracked it I'm afraid, but had to bite the bullet and sign up for yahoo plus which does however work like a dream for this purpose. The cost is quite low - I think only about $15 a year from memory.

This is really giving me a had time with gmail. I tried everything I can think of. I'm not going to pay for yahoo plus. Did anyone else get there gmail account to work

Mail: 530 5.7.0 must issue a STARTTLS command first.

What the hell does that mean. Its driving me nuts!

Might try here MT4 - Cell Phone/ Email Alerts, How to. | Synapse's Forex Blog : clipclip worked for me

Edit: Sorry just reread it gmail doesn't work!


Partial Fill Alarm??

I am working with an ECN broker and as you all know it does partial fills. This is usually not a problem but sometimes these partials will cause some issues on my trading. Does anyone know of an alarm that can be programmed to make a sound or send an e-mail when this occurs??


email alert from folder

I'm sure this tool exists, I just need your held to find it. I would like to have an sms email sent when my indicator has a text alert (on screen). I see that the alert is logged in the experts tab in the terminal window. I already have my email alerts set up, but it appears that this only works when an EA is programmed to send an email alert.

I need an EA that can be placed on the chart and generate an email alert when the indicator initiates its on-screen alert (which is logged in the experts tab on the terminal window).

Any suggestions?



How to generate email alert on MT4 with gmail

I went on forums and look at past posts to find out how t generate email with mT4

from gmail

it does not work ....

someone can help ?

thanks in advance

