Email - page 7


That's what I use (albeit on Linux) maybe that might help...


Does the email feature even work!?!

I've all but given up on the email notification in mt4. I've tried my yahoo, gmail, and hotmail account and have not been successful at getting it to connect to the smtp server. Is there anybody who has been able to get this to work that can shed some light on it?


How to Activate Email on MT4

Hi guys,

I tried to activate email on MT4 via "option menu", but MT4 can't send email to my email address. I try using GMail...can someone to help me how to setting email in MT4 ?



Hi guys,

I tried to activate email on MT4 via "option menu", but MT4 can't send email to my email address. I try using GMail...can someone to help me how to setting email in MT4 ?



Read current thread.


Thanks a lot for your info....


adding options to this email sending indicator

This excellent and well working email alert sending indicator (use it with the build-in SMTP of your VPS server) from a russian forum, already referenced twice in this thread, would benefit from some added options:

could someone add parameter options for both time intervals and events for which it sends out emails?

Now it sends mail also for every "order modify" and that can be like one per second.


Email Alerts

I am trying to setup an email alert on MT4. I have read so much online but still cannot figure it out. I have entered every combination of settings and tried everything that was suggested on the internet. Nothing works. If someone could please tell me what email service and the exact settings that are currently working for them that would be great. I have signed up for about 4 email addresses: Yahoo, gmail, bluebottle, hotmail, nothing seems to work. Please let me know! Thanks!


gmx account

try this it works for me (u need to get free gmx account)

smtp server:

smtp login:

smtp password: your gmx password


to: whatever email account

restart MT4 when you are done


gmx account

Yes, it works, thanks mwbro! But smtp login should be as

below, not, am I right?

smtp server:

smtp login:

smtp password: your gmx password


to: whatever email account

restart MT4 when you are done