Scalping... Again!!


As most have know, the so called successful scalping EAs posted here and the other forums are bogus, as they exploit a bug in the demo version of MT3. In reality, the brokers won't allow you to buy at bid and sell at ask, atleast under the straight forward EAs.

Now, here comes the request. Maybe one of the experts here can trick MT4 into letting us buying the bid and selling the ask. I don't know how, if I knew I would have done it. Is that possible? Maybe not, but then it is certainly an idea worth tinkering with. Any suggestions?



lol now were talking:)

but i think even if that was possible, chances are the broker will discover it in a few hours because they would be losing so much money and ud be rich in a few hours


Even if I could program, which in fact I cannot, I wouldn't want to be involved in doing that. My two cents.


What's the finality ??? Who has make real money with the MT3 bug ? (other than the one who has sell a false EA...)


no way to do that,i also thinked about it.

broker side version of mt4 would not alow anything like that,i guess prices and transactions are checked at least few times before we get trade confirmation

but there is other way,put mask on your face and survive 3 minutes of fear