Reversal Trading System - page 12

Hi KArp:

Your setting on Juice is .05 BUT it should be .0005.


Hi :

Please see note below (note is from Kaveh , page #1)

It said setting should be 0.0007.

So, what is the correct setting.

I also noticed from the chart posted by Kaveh that sometime setting shows 000.5 and sometime it shows 0.0007.

Is this supposed to change depend on which pair?

If you know, could you share this information?



This is copied and pasted from page1***



1-revers indcator 0.001

2-5 and 15mins juice on 1min charts(level 0.0007)

3-15mins COG on 1min chart

BUY =revers up+ COG (trend)up+juice on 5mins up to 0.0007

sell=revers down+COG(trend)down+juice on 5mins up to 0.0007

Trade 8:00 to 12:00 CET and 14:00 to 18:00 CET

For setup use Neiumex broker only


Last edited by kaveh : 05-28-2006 at 09:55 AM.


Thanks for sharing this starategy.

However, I have few questions, if you please.

1. YOur rule only shows 5 min. Juice.

2. When do you use 15 min. Juice indicator?

3. Also, what do you mean up to 0.0007? Is this means somewhere from 0 to 0.0007 or ???

4. COG down --> If on step down is consider down?

5. When you say 'sell', do you mean exit from your long trade? or Sell 'short'?

or Exit from your long position and also sell short at the same time?

6. How do you mean by use Neiumex broker onlymeans?

I would appreciate if you could explain these questions. I am trying to understand the strategy.

Thanks again.


Please setup your charts and trade in live data any questions i will answer.

1-buysignal=5min juice(+7)+cog cross(atleast 1level must break)+revers arrow

you must add this level to cog 0.1814,0.1815,....0.1820

or bounce from 1level if happen cog signal conferm.

I used 15mins juice for big move when juice under +7 i closed my position.

for enter only you must see 5min juice not 15min juice.


what currency pairs

How do you use this on currency pairs that have only 2 decimal spots,ie usd/jyn as the juice is more erratic with these or do you have different settings for these.

Ive just looked at pretty much all the currency pairs and this work brilliantly on currency pairs with 4 decimal spots

excellent work keveh, thanks for sharing this with us all,very grateful


I think we don't need EA for this System, this is manual system and we should trade live.



I think we don't need EA for this System, this is manual system and we should trade live.

I agree.

What I can gather by reading this forum from beginning to the end, this strategy requires too many variation to write an EA.

If one can master the feel of this system, it can be incredible system.


Live Trading


Please setup your charts and trade in live data any questions i will answer.

1-buysignal=5min juice(+7)+cog cross(atleast 1level must break)+revers arrow

you must add this level to cog 0.1814,0.1815,....0.1820

or bounce from 1level if happen cog signal conferm.

I used 15mins juice for big move when juice under +7 i closed my position.

for enter only you must see 5min juice not 15min juice.


Thanks for the reply.

I hope I can find the room. I tired yesterday and couldn't find ID: 'kavah48'.

Search by catagories and still can't find it.

I will look for you on Monday morning in the Chat.


Thanks for the reply.

I hope I can find the room. I tired yesterday and couldn't find ID: 'kavah48'.

Search by catagories and still can't find it.

I will look for you on Monday morning in the Chat.


Please search kaveh48 not kavah.

see you on monday.



Please download again i uploaded Previous versoin.

Of cource

I added "CheckExit" options for ON & OFF and

Changed level of

M5 Juice to 0.0004

M15 Juice to 0.0006

For Exit.


Please dont try to use EA cz this system work manually.

thx kaveh


Please dont try to use EA cz this system work manually.

thx kaveh

If you have time to sit from the morning up to the evening in front of a monitor it`s great to trade manually, supported and teached by the chatroom.

But I find it`s a great idea to use an EA. One way could be to take the EA for alarming, so as he already does. And let him run during the night . And I find it wonderful that someone builts an EA- investing time and money(?) - without 20 persons ask for him. The EA is Open Source and without copyright. It shows that someone really want to help us.

Thank you Kaveh for this great system and thank you TaXiRaN for the EA.

I personally will trade manually and test parallel the EA. Time will tell.

All the best



First Version

First version of EA

Hope it helps.


I can open or unzip your Indicaators+templates. rar

My free 30 day ev of rar has run out.

Please post in standard zip from windows that comes with your computer. or atach with out zip
