Wealth-lab Users...



Would be good to know if there are any wealth-lab users on this site, and if they have msn messenger...Would be great to have a few fellow wealth-lab users on my msn so that we can bounce ideas of each other fast and effectively. My msn messenger addy is nick@frandsen.co.nz

Hope to hear from you...

Nick Frandsen




Would be good to know if there are any wealth-lab users on this site, and if they have msn messenger...Would be great to have a few fellow wealth-lab users on my msn so that we can bounce ideas of each other fast and effectively. My msn messenger addy is nick@frandsen.co.nz

Hope to hear from you...

Nick Frandsen



any thoughts on why the newzealand is the only currency gaining today against the dollar ?


because more people are buying than selling it...

because more people are buying than selling it...

Yes, off course........

Happy buying then.......


FOREX Code Development and WL

Since WL Sold Out to Fidelity, there has been no progress there on FOREX that I am aware of. Did they complete the FOREX Support request?

I started the Trading Automation, User Group, and FOREX Forums there.

Since Fidelity calls the shots now, and they do not offer FOREX or Commodities, it is probably not a high priority. Plus the only way to use WL for Autotrading is to use it with an FXCM lash up like Ryan Sheehy does at CurrencySecrets.

MetaTrader is by far the best bang for the buck.


I am not follower of WL.

But you may find some links below.

Some scripts for Wealth-Lab are here (sorry, in Russian).

Many additional files for Wealth-Lab is here:

- Wealth-Lab excell report;

- digital filters (dll);

- ProbabilityChannel indicator and ActiveTrader;

- WL_Mail;

- WLCasino;

- VBScript for WSH: updating data via Yahoo!;

- Real - Time Simulator;

- different data sources/software;

and so on.

Wealth-Lab Universal Data server:




Wealth-Lab autotrade:

- http://geocities.com/wealth_lab/

- http://www.geocities.com/wealth_lab/download.html



Yeah i am currently using MT aswell, through Neuimex, but I use wealth-lab to test my systems with. Was just hoping there was others here that use wealth-lab that have msn messenger, would be good to bounce some ideas of someone else sometimes...



Can anyone comments on Wealth Lab

Does anybody using wealth lab to develop trading system ?

Can share experience with it ?

Many Thanks


It is one of the best systems for backtesting even though primarily made for stocks and futures.


WHAT IS wealth lab,anyway? I'm kinda newbie around here.....

WHAT IS wealth lab,anyway? I'm kinda newbie around here.....

Hi. The vast majority of development has concerned stocks though you can trade futures and forex with it though it is not as 'easy' to do. There are a huge amount of strategies available free-of-charge to download, again the majority being stock trading strategies. If you can't code to save your life, it has a 'Wizard' built-in which allows anyone to turn out completely usable 'wealth scripts' so you can start testing out your ideas straight away. The backtester is also a major plus as it seems to be universally well respected. One thing, the majority of strategies available are EOD - the plus side to this is that there seem to be lots of profitable EOD stock strategies available. The cons: - backtests can be slow as its' scripts are 'interpreted' as opposed to compiled like in MT. The biggest problem concerns automation. If you reside in the US of A and take out an account with Fidelity, automating strategies should not be a problem as the API etc. is already built into Wealthlab ('cos Fidelity owns Wealthlab). It is much trickier if you live elsewhere or want to use a different broker. There is an adapter available to buy which works very well with Interactive Brokers plus one or two offerings available for free but require a lot more work (read re-coding). Nothing as easy as we have it with MT though where it's just a case of picking the 'best' broker...

Hope this helps.