How to LOCK/Encrypt EA - page 5


It may be easy coded for MT4 but I am not a coder sorry.

I only know that it is something about this part of code:

datetime var1; var1=StrToTime("2006.08.16 00:00")

And then


It is not a code. It is just something to make a code for MT4. It is very easy for any MT4 coder.


And I found it in MetaQuotes as a script and as EA as well here

Can you send me a link to MT3 Thanks

I do not have.

Why do you need MT3?

I do not have. Why do you need MT3?

I just need something to tell me the number of seconds since 00:00 1st of Janusry 1970 till "whenever"

Is there something else I can use? so I can use the expire code in MT4.

I put the EA on the MT3 chart but I don't see any seconds anywhere.


You can use this EA (attached) with Metatrader 4.

MT4 should be connected with broker's server (demo account for example and the market should be open).

Just place the date and time you want and wait few seconds and you will get the number in experts terminal window. Besides, this EA will convert the number back to the date/time just to check. It is the explanation of the results:

I just took EA from here and modified a little. Sorry of there are some errors as I am not a coder. But it should no any error as this EA is checking the numbers.


Works great. Thanks


After some researching on the protection of EA from decompilers, it seems to me that no EA is safe from hackers once it is exposed to public. Currently, what I do is that I do not send the .ex4 file directly, but have everything assembled as a PC or laptop before passing it over to someone else. I use a proprietary folder/file protection system to protect the .ex4 file from external access.


PleaseHelp - Need code


Please help, I need a code to insert in mq4 look like this,

I insert account number from the broker, and also I could insert the expire date(days or weeks), so in metatrader if the account number

in the indicator do not match with the account number, or already expire, the indicator won't work/show.

If anyone in this forum could help, please inform me the code.

Thak you very much for all your help

Martha Smith


My guess is you want to give a demo for a indicator that you will later sell. Setting account numbers and expiration dates won't do much. Anyone who wants it bad enough can pay $30 to have the .ex4 decompiled. Then they just take those lines of code out and have your indicator. It's becoming more and more common. People give out demos and want to charge hundreds when people can have it decompiled for $30 or so. My advice, give no demos. Do a video showing you trading using the indicator on a live or live demo account.


Thanks, no, it's not for selling, just for my own use.

anyway thanks for your idea