How to LOCK/Encrypt EA - page 10


looks like the DLL was way off

heres the new one, same problem






#define MT4_EXPFUNC __declspec(dllexport)


BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HANDLE hModule,DWORD ul_reason_for_call,LPVOID lpReserved)















MT4_EXPFUNC int __stdcall GetAccountNumber()





I don't understand what you are complaining about. (what is the problem you encounter). Is it that the experts runs on an account number other then the one returned from the DLL?

Anyway , in the code below , there is some return type mismatch between what is declared in the dll and in the mql4. This however may be insignificant.

Note that your entire idea (of getting the account number from the dll) is not secure enough beceause i can just write a dll with the same name and have the same exported function which returns another account number.


EA Security

Hello Guys

I have developed a killer EA for in MQ4. that generates great constant profits for the last 14 months.

I was encouraged by some friends to make this EA commercial.

The only thing I am missing to do so, is protecting my code from being cracked an decoded.

I crave for any tips, tricks and technics regarding securing ex4 files from being violated.

I would appreciate any information you wish to share.



I've just implemented some security for a commercial EA soon to be released that uses a DLL and checks the account number. PM me if you still need help.

I've just implemented some security for a commercial EA soon to be released that uses a DLL and checks the account number. PM me if you still need help.

Hi Swnke,

That security level (DLL checking the account number) is the most easy to break.

I don't know if you ever heared about "brute force cracking" ?....

You place a little script on the EA that starts to run all possible account number combinations (some brokers are only working with 4 numbers) and whatever kind of broker you have it cracks the account number within 24Hours.

So you better look for a REAL protection.

But remember there are some "reverse ingenering" sites out there and they all agree : if you have software that RUNS it can be cracked and some of them in a very easy way.

Listen to some very important advice:

OR you have a fantastic system that is backed-up by MANY years of backtest and forward demo trading then don't think of selling it but trade it with your own money. If your system is that good you will make good money of it.

OR you don't even have the money to trade it yourself. But if you are going to spread it around without the HIGHEST level of security (that means cheking out the reverse ingenering sites to check out if they did not crack your protection already on for other software or purposes) then you can be sure that in a couple of months it will be for free on the internet and some clever people will even improve a little bit more and they will use their commercial distribution channels to sell it and they will even make more money on it then you do.

Friendly regards...iGoR



So far the best method is using DLL, not just by utilizing account number but also encrypting the logics into it. IronClad security service uses DLL with encrypted logics into it, and uses account number, password and expiry to enhance the security. Of course any determined hacker can crack this but not average crackers

So far the best method is using DLL, not just by utilizing account number but also encrypting the logics into it. IronClad security service uses DLL with encrypted logics into it, and uses account number, password and expiry to enhance the security. Of course any determined hacker can crack this but not average crackers

... or you can use 2-3 .DLL files. In one you put account #, etc.

Make a life more miserable for the crackers.

How many crackers are intersting about MT4 EA?

They are looking how to transfer money from your account to theire accounts.


DLL is the best way to protect your EA.

DLL is the best way to protect your EA.

Could you please give us an example?



Make sure that you use the best compiling software out there on your DLL.

It took my programmer only 2 hours to crack the DLL on the fapturbo EA.

So do your home work toghourly before you think a DLL is going to protect your EA.

Friendly regards....iGoR

Make sure that you use the best compiling software out there on your DLL.

It took my programmer only 2 hours to crack the DLL on the fapturbo EA.

So do your home work toghourly before you think a DLL is going to protect your EA.

Friendly regards....iGoR


I'm curious ,

how much you will charge to encrypt (crack) two .dll files,

to decompile one .ex4 and one indicator?

I'm selling one of my EA (good not best) for $295US,today,

(tomorrow maybe for $5000??!!)

I'm sure that you will charge the same price or more.

...but .dll files are self distractive. If you don't have right key

you will be digging to empty hole.

Friendly regards
