How to LOCK/Encrypt EA - page 7

Good try, but no cigar

If anyone wants to protect their code, take it from me there is only one way.

first create a dll file

second have the dll file access a remote server that has control numbers.

Why do this, wake up people any ex4 code can be decompiled.

Do you think metatrader 5 code will be any better!

Metatrader5 will be based on a true c++ code. and it also can be decompiled.

Do you think your dll file is safe all by itself, I can decompile it. So my advice is to make is secure by having it access a remote server, then everything is protected.

You say it cannot be done, then you are not programmers. There is at least 1 ea out there that uses this method "destiny"

true, what if they decompile it, and wrote, it to different remote server?

but remember, computer only understand 0 and 1 therefore if progermmer have time, they still able to decomplie it.

When EA work, and have trail preiod, then most of people who has money, then they will buy, if not you should allowed them to have 2nd chance to use EA on live to make some bucks before paid for the EA.


What about encryption?

Is it possible to maybe somehow encrypt your mql code so that if someone does decompile it they still cannot edit the code?

Just a thought,


true, what if they decompile it, and wrote, it to different remote server?

but remember, computer only understand 0 and 1 therefore if progermmer have time, they still able to decomplie it.

When EA work, and have trail preiod, then most of people who has money, then they will buy, if not you should allowed them to have 2nd chance to use EA on live to make some bucks before paid for the EA.

if something like this was all you had to decompile, what good would it do you. all the needed code is in the dll file

believe me this is the complete code, except for the dll file

#property copyright ""

#property link ""

#import "MqKill.dll"

void KillMe();


The code for the EA destiny is longer, but the EA requires a signal that comes from a remote server.


Question for Foreverold

Foreverold, you seem to have the best grasp of how to protect an EA in the best manner available. My question to you is simply would you be willing to help me set up 1 or 2 EA's in this fashion. I'm not a programmer so it is probably a bit beyond my skills. I could pay you something reasonable for your time. Please let me know by sending me a message directly. Thanks for your consideration.


Encrypt and Key EA


Can somebody help me how to encrypt an ea so no one sees a code and create a key for ea so ea is used only on one computer/user.




You can't protect yourself from it. You can provide an .ex4 with

seperate .dll but if there are ways to compile there are ways to


Regarding one computer. There may be a wa to check IP. But if

the user changes IP, you will get support to handle. You can set

the EA to run on a specific account.



You can't protect yourself from it. You can provide an .ex4 with

seperate .dll but if there are ways to compile there are ways to


Regarding one computer. There may be a wa to check IP. But if

the user changes IP, you will get support to handle. You can set

the EA to run on a specific account.


ok. Where can i find instructions on how to provide seperate dll with .ex4? Do i just rename mq4 file to ex4 file?


Are asking these questions because you are planning to distribute an ea?


if ur EA is worth will get decompiled

have them give you their account number or something and you can have the EA only work on that account number.

but nothing is 100% secure with MT4 programming