Anyone use eASCTrend in forex?


Whati is your your opinion about eASCTrend system ?

(if you dont know about it, please google it)


Something was described here


I got the program off of Emule. I don't if it is any good or even how to use it. It looks very similar to the Braintrading system, though. Very very similar.

I got the program off of Emule. I don't if it is any good or even how to use it. It looks very similar to the Braintrading system, though. Very very similar.

are you testing this?


The problem is that there indicators , etc, are built into their own software so in order to use it, I have to connect to their servers which you can't do without paying for it legitimately. I believe their company name is Ablesys if you are interested. Their website looks good and they claim to have a "hybrid" system now but I don't know how good it is.