What Really Works From One Professional - page 47


jeez guys, lay off the bickering...

Sit back, ask questions after you've read threads over and over and taken notes, and JD's generosity will reward you.

one great thing JD said today in the room... "Trade the setup, not the reaction" - maybe it was just me that that statement struck, since i've been so darn impulsive lately. but it's something to keep in mind.



Ok, thanks Morpheus, I see it now.

yep. That's what it looked like. Something I've noticed, though. You have a target of about 1.8050 or whatever. Chances of that happening are about less than 5 % . I think it says in the manual to consider it most likely going where the closest 3 targets all coincide.


Yeah, it is a vertical line. From what it seems, you get in at CVstart which seemed to happen around midnight EST USA. So I was watching on 15 min chart and all of a sudden a few hours later, CVEND vertical line appeared and then 10 minutes after that line appeared, price shot up 50 pips. I was amazed and just wanting to know if that is part of the system? Or if that was just a coincidence. No one can tell me. It's a mystery. It's like Santa Claus or Superman.


post the chart with lines showing the 50 pip run. I want to see if I am seeing the same V



A few hours later CVend showed up again because a new low was hit I think. Not sure exactly how it figures it. Maybe the line was there the whole time and I just rationalized it as just appearing. The line has moved now but there was a "V" there yet again on the 30 minute chart pretty visible just like it was yesterday.

Here it is:

very obvious


As it was happening, it was pretty obvious that a V was forming. Very definitive. I think we should all get in a group and help each other with entry and exit and no more of this secret password stuff.

Going to try for at least 50 pips tomorrow with the knowledge I have now. If you want, be ready at about midnight EST to trade.

A few hours later CVend showed up again because a new low was hit I think. Not sure exactly how it figures it. Maybe the line was there the whole time and I just rationalized it as just appearing. The line has moved now but there was a "V" there yet again on the 30 minute chart pretty visible just like it was yesterday.

Here it is:

very obvious


As it was happening, it was pretty obvious that a V was forming. Very definitive. I think we should all get in a group and help each other with entry and exit and no more of this secret password stuff.

Going to try for at least 50 pips tomorrow with the knowledge I have now. If you want, be ready at about midnight EST to trade.

are you actually trading off this chart..............we need to keep the room locked, away from spies, mi5, mi6, kgb, cia, dea oh and bernard cribbins......over and out........



"There are no stupid questions, but there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots."

Remember.......... "There are no stupid questions, but there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots."



hmmmmm, tochee, it that correct english......???????



hmmmmm, tochee, it that correct english......???????

Touché is a french term (literally touched) that is used in fencing to acknowledge a valid hit. See her: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Touch%C3%A9

It will be Touché until the world ends, even if all english speaking people think they can change the words up to their decisions.

Its the same like 'Cologne' or 'Munich'. These citys even doesn't exist! The names are 'Koeln' (Köln) and 'Muenchen' (München).

Easy translation: Ä = ae / Ö = oe / Ü = ue / ß = ss

No need to change proper names! Sorry for being offtopic.

Remember.......... "There are no stupid questions, but there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots."

After I read your previous post, I was thinking the exact same thing.


Oh man what a day, many many thanks to JD for sharing this strategy - 2 trades for a total of +134 pips today with basically no risk - largest open to close drawdown was 7 pips - incredible.

You guys don't know what's been given to you...
