The "XO"-Method......... - page 113

Yes they do, but due to the XO nature (stacking that changes in one single bar), the time is compressed (not even time independent, like renko) , and the results are deformed compared to price changes

Interesting observation NBT.

Why "would the results be deformed" you think? Unless I interpret "deformed" incorrectly in this case?


That is a result of XO calculation : see the average duration of one XO bar - they can vary a lot

That is a result of XO calculation : see the average duration of one XO bar - they can vary a lot

That renders the momentum useless

That renders the momentum useless

I would like to see in practice

I would like to see in practice

That is the same as renko

That is the same as renko

Not exactly the same as renko, but they are calculated in a very similar way

Not exactly the same as renko, but they are calculated in a very similar way

Yep. XO as we know it is spread over time, and renko is not

Yep. XO as we know it is spread over time, and renko is not

The XO view is the most condensed view on price swings - the entire swing leg is displayed as a single column. Time spent on every column might be extremely long (and still you are not losing any turning point), that the PnF chart prints additional time informations inside the column to display the evolving time in detail.

On the other hand, Renko with identical brick size prints much more bars, so the time information for every bar is sufficient.


The XO view is the most condensed view on price swings - the entire swing leg is displayed as a single column. Time spent on every column might be extremely long (and still you are not losing any turning point), that the PnF chart prints additional time informations inside the column to display the evolving time in detail.

On the other hand, Renko with identical brick size prints much more bars, so the time information for every bar is sufficient.

I suppose you think of the XO chart not the XO indicator?

I suppose you think of the XO chart not the XO indicator?

Very true, I totally missed the thread topic.