The "XO"-Method......... - page 43

Firstly, I am indebted to Sharipov Ainur who wrote this incredible Oscillator. Secondly, to adoleh2000 for converting it to MT4 format and lastly to the originator of the "Multiple Time Frame idea" namely Kerris2112.(MTF) - this is something I have been looking for for the last 2 years. Be blessed.

I am further indebted to the following people who continue to assist in developing this method, without you it could not have been possible:Kalenzo; ShadowWz; HoggZilla and VideoJ; Hellkas; Elihayun; Perky and those of you who relentlessly test and test again like Money-Line; Pip_trip; and Mart_Hart who suggested the 34-CCI; also, the likes of Ant; Dan_S; Creative; DownunderDave40; et_PhoneHome2; Fet0r our latest addition and all those who are working on it. Thank you very much for your support.

1). I use the ZZ_4_TF_XOas per attached example. Settings are: 60/5; 30/6; 15/5; 5/5.

2). Woodies Double_CCI set at 34/14

Furthermore, I add the following levels to it: 100; 250; 350; 450 in both directions of course.

I further colour them so that I can see them immediately - colour of the Turbo (14) mine is Magenta on 250 where it usually "overheats" but it can go to 350 max.

The 350-line is Gold and usually this is where the 34 "overheats" but it can run to 450 and even 550 in severe overheating such as announcements.

3). ZZ_MTF_XO_A which is set to 240/4.5 and run it seperately of course.

4). As I have a "need to know" where the present position of the trade is in its cycle, I use the Stochastic 12/4/3. (This is optional, but for the Newbies, I suggest you try it first before you discard it.

5). Finally the latest Forex_Freedom_V2 from Elihayun. (I have changed mine to 60M and am attaching it here for the 5M-chart - I still use his original on my 15M chart however.

6). Asctrend_no_Sound @ 5to assist in non-trending markets.

7). 13-LSMA and the 21-LSMA.

8). 50-EMA (close) and 300-EMA (close) - the 300-EMA represents the 50-EMA on the 30-M chart. I learned something here from Nina, thx.

9). Murrey_Math and I use the RD_Pivotlines together with the MM. (You decide what works for you.


1. As soon as the 4_TF_XO signals an entry when the bars become solid GREEN / RED, enter on the open of the next candle, providing that.......

2. CCI-34 is in "agreement" - that is, if the CCI-14 is >250 and leading the 34-CCI, don't enter. If they follow closely, especially when they cross the zero-line simultaneously, you may enter.

3. The Stochastic is not "overheated" (>95 and <5)

4. And the Forex_Freedom is in sync with the 4_TF_XO signals.

5. It is best to have the XO_A (240/4.5) in the same direction as the 4_TF_XO as the trade is usually stronger. However, without it, you may pick up 10 pips minimum. (Always be aware that as long as the 240/4.5 is "against" your trade, the trade may turn around.

NB>>>>> I prefer that the AscTrend signal be in place, whether it appears on the candle of entry or prior to that.



2). You may want to keep your eyes on the Stochastic at this time too.

NB. The change in colour of the ZZ_4_TF_XO could only be as a result of the 5M timeframe changing, hence the use of the LSMAs.

If I have missed out on anything, I will edit this.

I will ask NewDigital to erase the first post and have this one replace it. See if it could be done.

Your continued support and development is appreciated.

Hello Valeo, i have tried setting up my chart like yours to no success. i think i might have a problem with my platform. Can you Please post a template of your latest setup? thanks.

Thank you for detailed explaination of up-to-date entry and exit rules of this great system, Im joining the testing this great system starting today along with great catfx50 system that I have been testing for a month now. Keep up great job, ValeoFX!

My pleasure guys. Yes, I agree Nina most definitily created a powerful method in more ways than meets the eye. However, I personally prefer HowardFx' method and always have his method on a 15M chart (he may slaughter me for that) running. Especially when I am unsure of an entry as this morning, it pays dividends. (I am not posting his work here, that will be unfair to him).

Best wishes, always.


Thank you for your ideas. As Iam a newbie can you please check if the following are the correct settings. Thank you.

On 5-Minute chart I attach:

1) ZZ_4_TF_XO


KirPER 5.0

TF1 5 Kirper 5

TF2 15 5

TF3 30 6 NB

TF4 60 5

KirPER1, KirPEr2, KirPER3 and KirPER4 are all 5.0

2) Woodies Double_CCI






then TrendCCI_Period=34 and EntryCCI_Period=14 from M1 to MN

The only important setting is the very first one @ 34/14 as the oscillator in this form does not take the other settings into consideration.

3) On another 5 min chart we attach ZZ_MTF_XO_A, settings 240,4.5

NO, on the SAME chart so that you can see when the 4-HR chart cahnges.

4) Stocastic 12/4/3 Yes

5) The settings in the Forex_Freedom_v2 indicator are the defualt values as attached in your post.

I have posted my version of it and that is correct at default, yes.

**** can you PLEASE direct me to the thread where I can get more information about this Forex_Freedom indicator and how to trade it.

Ali, please will you try and locate it yourself? It takes as much time for me as for you to locate it, but the thinking behind it is that it is based on the CCIs of those different timeframes. Very, very powerful indeed and I suggest you get to understand more about the CCIs - try #115 on page 12.

Thank you

Trust this helps

If you are in the middle of a trade, with all Xo's still in your direction, and the Asctrend dot comes up in the opposite direction, are you looking to exit at this point?



Most certainly if the Dot appears on the 5M chart. However having said that, check the status of the 2 LSMAs and it may just be that the AscTrend signal is short-lived. (I usually refer to the 15M chart to see if this is not a short-lived retracement and more importantly, where the Murrey_Math and Pivotlines are in relation to this retracement.

Hi Valeo

You are a man. Thank you for quick update. I zipped all 10 indicators in a zip file.

Good luck

Thanks so much Kohzadi, much appreciated as always.


My template as requested...........

It seems as if I cannot upload both my Template and Screen-print in one, so I have to go one more, sorry.

I get "an invalid-file" alert when I try to upload the Template. Can anyone help me here, please?


Zip it first, that should work .



More Indicators..........

Sorry, but I don't know how to zip these indicators here. If someone could do that, we can remove these posts.


The following posts are important if you want to read about "How the XO-works" on Post #241 and P.25.

Also, Woodies CCI-info at #115 on Page 12.

Finally the XO-5 on #211 and Page 22 for those interested.

What are you all using for filter outside of trading hours and +/-250 level? Cheers

Sorry Svirgo, I don't quite understand your question. I stop trading at London close, but there is no reason why you should change the filters, etc. Let me know how I can assist you, please.

I get "an invalid-file" alert when I try to upload the Template. Can anyone help me here, please?

If you can not zip the files for some reason you can upload them to a file share site and post the download link here and i am sure someone here wil zip all the files in to one file and post it here later.

Here are some links to file share servers:

(I understand you do not nead all of this links but they may come in handy for some people for other use)