Mac? MetaTrader


Has anyone tried an Intel based Macintosh with MetaTrader? What was the result, did it work fine?



Has anyone tried an Intel based Macintosh with MetaTrader? What was the result, did it work fine?



Works fine in both parallels (beta 4) and bootcamp-ed Windows, iMac, macbook, and mac mini.

However, I wouldn't take the chance with real money.

Works fine in both parallels (beta 4) and bootcamp-ed Windows, iMac, macbook, and mac mini. However, I wouldn't take the chance with real money.

how it's work(MT4) or what happen on macbook, that make you affraid to trade real money with macbook MT4? because I'm make a plan to trade with my MT4 on macbook soon I have it:), is it work well,the sound alert,the internet conection? pls write your review about MT4 running on macbook,