I was looking for some cool holy grail, but... - page 2

The True holy grail, is in your money management and the behaviour / mind trading. cheers

Yes, Money Management is essential, but is secondary. You need to make sure the system is profitable in the first instance.



Yes, Money Management is essential, but is secondary. You need to make sure the system is profitable in the first instance.

profitable system ,MM , just stick to it


Forex Indicators Collection


prasxz...could you post your "edge" here pleeeeassee ☺



es, post a profitable system?

Are you kidding? I ve been through every thread on this and a dozen other forums and have not seen 1 profitable consistent system.


Maybe the only profitable Holy Grail is the Bible. Even it says what profits a man to own everything, but lose their own soul. I have been at this game for many years (Forex) and like you have found, so have I - Lack of consistency in an EA or system. But one thing I did find along the way, is my Lord Jesus. Because of his intervention, I have been healed of "cancer" - In my opinion, He is the Holy Grail that is worth more than Gold, Silver or anything this world has to offer. I pray people put their priorities in proper order - God #1, everything else second. If you have not, then your final destiny is one that you will not like.

I hope everybody finds their destiny rewarding - I may not have a short term destiny of riches, but I have a long term guarantee of health, happiness and love through the Lord and God. Find Him before you miss the Holy Grail of Eternity through Jesus.



Maybe the only profitable Holy Grail is the Bible. Even it says what profits a man to own everything, but lose their own soul. I have been at this game for many years (Forex) and like you have found, so have I - Lack of consistency in an EA or system. But one thing I did find along the way, is my Lord Jesus. Because of his intervention, I have been healed of "cancer" - In my opinion, He is the Holy Grail that is worth more than Gold, Silver or anything this world has to offer. I pray people put their priorities in proper order - God #1, everything else second. If you have not, then your final destiny is one that you will not like.

I hope everybody finds their destiny rewarding - I may not have a short term destiny of riches, but I have a long term guarantee of health, happiness and love through the Lord and God. Find Him before you miss the Holy Grail of Eternity through Jesus.



Way to go! great post


Ptl !


way to go dave


What a BS post. I know all the religious fundies will holler and scream at me for saying it, but that's OK. You don't win at forex by praying or knowing or finding jesus or god. Congratulations on beating cancer, but what about all those that don't who prayed just as hard as you? Even athiest beat cancer. Even the most ardent bible believers die of it. It means zilch.

Maybe the only profitable Holy Grail is the Bible. Even it says what profits a man to own everything, but lose their own soul. I have been at this game for many years (Forex) and like you have found, so have I - Lack of consistency in an EA or system. But one thing I did find along the way, is my Lord Jesus. Because of his intervention, I have been healed of "cancer" - In my opinion, He is the Holy Grail that is worth more than Gold, Silver or anything this world has to offer. I pray people put their priorities in proper order - God #1, everything else second. If you have not, then your final destiny is one that you will not like.

I hope everybody finds their destiny rewarding - I may not have a short term destiny of riches, but I have a long term guarantee of health, happiness and love through the Lord and God. Find Him before you miss the Holy Grail of Eternity through Jesus.



I am happy for you Dave, but keep in mind this is international forum, and whats is holy for some may not be holy for others


Yes. Religion doesn't belong here at all. There are thousands of man invented religions. Religions are the bane of man's existence, and have caused FAR more strife and death in the world than anything else. Athiesm and agnosticism don't murder and ostracize and denigrate because of their lack of belief in god. The world will be much better place when religion is relegated to the scrap heap of history.

I am happy for you Dave, but keep in mind this is international forum, and whats is holy for some may not be holy for others