How to see part of the prices


When I put an indicator on the chart, the behaviour of it is depend on the current price too, of course. But I want to see what the chart and the indicator was, let say, 20 bars ago. Is it possible to see the chart until a specific date and time , and not until current time?

In this case I can put the indicators I want and do some research.

When I put an indicator on the chart, the behaviour of it is depend on the current price too, of course. But I want to see what the chart and the indicator was, let say, 20 bars ago. Is it possible to see the chart until a specific date and time , and not until current time? In this case I can put the indicators I want and do some research.

Shift the chart in MetaTrader.


Thanks, but this will make no good to me. I want to see how the indicators are showing at the time that I want. Suppose I put the zig-zag. Now it might show the highest value, so the line is drown from bottom to to top. but 5 or 6 bars before , at that time the up line is not drown yet. If I shift the chat\rt I will still see that line, that 6 or 7 bars ago (at that time) might be not show at all.

I want to see how the indicator did show at that time. Shifting the chart will not help me at all.

Hope it is clearer now.


Hi elihayun, maybe what you are looking for is a simulator. Is there a simulator for MT4 ?

всем добрый день. Пsтаюсь написать свой советник грааль конtчно же;-). Но почему-то не хочет работать. А чтобы не расписывать кучу непонятного текста со скринами, я записал видео. ссылку на видео оставляю в сообщении. Так будет и понятней и быстрее. Сам вопрос в видео. Заранее благодарю.