Well colored chart template?


Hi there!

Is there anybody have a "Well colored chart template" that is comfortable and beautiful ?


my color scheme

Here's my color scheme. I really like it. Be sure to right click & save as or you get a bunch of text, but I'm sure you already know that.

Thanks for all your tutorials on coding. They've been helping me a lot=)



that chart is simply beautiful .


That is the sexiest chart I've ever laid my eyes on, I must have more!!!


Aha, like that. Here is mine Guru.

chart_3.gif  17 kb



Really artistic!


Aha, like that. Here is mine Guru.

Thanks delsule,

Do you have it as a template file?


*shines* thanks for the compliment, Quickturtle & Shanghai. Encouragement is always welcome. Lord knows I've spent rediculous amounts of time trying to figure forex out and optimize into oblivion. About 1.5 years ago I was sitting behind the front desk at my former hotel job and started getting depressed because I was wondering what I was going to do career-wise the rest of my life since I was already 24. Anyways, while I was sitting there fretting over my life a friend rang my cell phone and he told me about this certain trade he made. Something clicked hard inside me and I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that this was what I was supposed to be doing for the rest of my life. I haven't had any of those "click" moments in anything else in life yet. It's the old adage where you don't find it, it finds you, but you have to go searching for "it" before it ever ends up that way.

I had already joined the navy and tried to become a Seal but that didn't work out. I didn't make it 1 month past boot camp, lol, since I made it my mission to get home once I realized that there would come many times where I had a great need to take care of something and they wouldn't let me. I'd rather not get into specifics. Once I realized that that was the case, I understood that it wasn't for me. Then I went to college for 3 years and changed my major 3 times...first graphic design, then psychology, then finance, then I stopped pursuing it once trigonometry just confused the heck out of me. During the midst of those 6 years (18 - 24) I had like 6 different jobs. Now all of that seems really jumpy but all I was doing was trying to find out what I wanted to do the rest of my life to make money but also to make sure it was something that I deeply enjoyed too. What's interesting is that I changed my major to those 3 things (graphic design, psychology, & then finance) BEFORE I ever got introduced to trading. However, I never finished college which I think is a good thing considering the fact that the more successful you are in business or college then the more you have to re-adapt yourself to learn how to trade.

So I've been hacking away at it since september of 2004 and been using real money since Jan of 2005. I'm still not consistently profitable but that is because of my own lack of discipline as well as my choice of timeframes. I have a system that works and I will keep trying until my beliefs conform and my attitude/discipline adapts to net profit trading. I'll be trading until the day I die because it's perfect for who I am, how I see the world, and where I want to be. My current patterns is where I'll make money like 4 days in a row and then lose it all when the market gaps like it did at 9am on 04-27-06 because I freak out. It's like, the moment my heart starts beating faster I need to just walk away or have a backup system that is super basic and without 5 to 6 layers of rules to follow like my main system. System as in mechanical descretion ruleset not system as in some black-box piece of garbage.

The reason why it's taking me so long is because I started and am continuing to try to control myself enough to be able to trade at the max difficulty lvl (5 min charts). I see trading like playing a need for speed car racing game except that you have to learn the game with the settings at max difficulty (playing against other ppl that have been doing it for 40+ years) and every now and then the car you are driving gets swapped out with one that has different handling (ranging vs trending if trading off the same time frames) while you're still in the middle of the race.

Lately I've been tweaking my system to where it'll pull the majority of its profits when the market is ranging and the minority of its profits out of trending markets. Like say a system that makes 80% of its profit when the market ranges on a certain same specific timeframe and 20% of its profit when the market trends. That way it conforms to generalized market behavior and also I can still trade everyday as if it was my only full-time job yet possibly also not have to develop the skill of identifying if the market is ranging or trending that day. It's difficult but possible....very very difficult but easy when I ignore my emotions and feel so uncomfortable that I might puke at any moment.

Thanks delsule, Do you have it as a template file?

Whatever you ask Guru ...

bgx.zip  2 kb