Russian Code Cracker

Well, not really, but it does translate the Russian stuff pretty well...



//|ZigZag ñ ÷èëàìè Ïåñàâåíòî |

//|----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |

//|ExtHidden - 0 - âñå ëèíèè ñêðûòû. Îáû÷íûé ZigZag. |

//| 1 - ïîêàçûâàåò âñå ëèíèè ìåæäó ôðàêòàëàìè, ó êîòîðûõ |

//| ïðîöåíò âîññòàíîâëåíèÿ >0.21 è <5. |

//| 2 - ïîêàçûâàåò òîëüêî òå ëèíèè, ãäå ïðîöåíò âîññòàíî- |

//| âëåíèÿ ðàâåí ÷èñëàì Ïåñàâåíòî (è 0.866 äëÿ ïîñòðî- |

//| åíèÿ ïàòòåðíîâ Gartley) |

//| 3 - ïîêàçûâàåò ÷èñëà, ïåðå÷èñëåííûå â ïóíêòå 2 |

//| è ñîîòâåòñòâóþùèå ëèíèè |

//| 4 - ïîêàçûâàåò ÷èñëà íå Ïåñàâåíòî è ñîîòâåòñòâóþùèå ëèíèè |

translates to

//+- +

//|.ZigZag with chilami Pesavento |

//|- + |

//|.EkhtYuidden - 0 - all lines are hidden. Usual ZigZag. |

//| 1 - show all lines between fraktalami, in which |

//| the percentage of restoration > 0.21 and < 5. |

//| 2 - show only those lines, where the percentage of vosstano- |

//| vleniya is equal to the numbers Pesavento (even 0.866 for postro- |

//| yeniya of patterns Gartley) |

//| 3 - show the numbers, enumerated in point 2 |

//| and the corresponding lines |

//| 4 - shows the numbers not Pesavento and corresponding lines |


wordlingo add in for microsoft word

Files:  75 kb