EA on remote servers ? - page 24


thx for the answer

you can emulate mt4 under *nix

Lunix has been evolving ("Gnome, Kde)

and it is pretty stable, I'm getting tired of paying licences antivirus etc..

thx for the answer

you can emulate mt4 under *nix

Lunix has been evolving ("Gnome, Kde)

and it is pretty stable, I'm getting tired of paying licences antivirus etc..

I know my4 can run under linux

YouTube - SignalCopyMySQL under Linux

(no intentions to promote anything but is only video I made with MT4 under linux)

I'm saying linux servers available as VPS do not have desktop support, at least not enabled.

Is possible to install required components (xserver, wine, etc) but no idea which VPS hosting allow/provide this.


thx mate

I'm looking for linux Vps's because they can be cheaper

that's wine


Can be cheaper, but is not so big difference.

Instead stability and security is better.

wine is not working without desktop support, so must enable both.

On the other hand, enabling desktop support lead to high resources demand and open possible security holes.. so I don't know if is worth to do this.

You can get a decent VPS with Win 2003 for about 20$.


i think if your EA must work 24 hours you must run it on remote servers but if you want to run EA part of the day or night and just work for some hours you must run on your PC

i used my own EA on my PC for nights only about 3 months

thx mate

I'm looking for linux Vps's because they can be cheaper

that's wine

Not necessarily. Just becuase most linux distros are free and wine does no mind cheap prices.

Cost is related with infrastructure and license cost for windows is insignificant with doing bulk buys.


thxfor the answer

I think I posted on the wrong topic.


The best for me

The best for me is 3dgwebhosting

best price, best powerfull.

best experience


The best for me is 3dgwebhosting

best price, best powerfull.

best experience


That's funniest joke I heard.

I tried them, after five days since I ordered I had nothing, no VPS, no asnswer to tickets.

I got my VPS after I raised a PayPal dispute.

Last month I got my account canceled because their system didn't updated last payment.

Again I got no answer from support until I mentioned PayPal dispute

I got VPS back but was offline more than a day.

3 days ago VPS went down for more than 40 hours.

Again, no answer from support, ticket is still open even VPS is working now.

When is working, yes, is a decent VPS, but when it came to do talk to support....

I had enough with them.


How do make the vps actually login when restart?

My using VPS sometimes crashs and restarts, and I have added a registry code to auto start the MT4 terminal. I found that the VPS doesn't really login and do not auto start the progrm until I actually login in through the console. Anybody can help me to solve the problem?