EA on remote servers ? - page 17


Hi all,

Commercial Network Service is a specialist for trader's desktop.

We use it for our system, we have nearly 10/12 MT4 session on our desktop.

CNS never reboot during the trading week.

You can find more information here



EA Hosting Questions

I have 2 questions about EA hosting;

1) Is our EA safe/secure by using this kind of EA hosting services?

2) Has anyone had any experience with Forex Hoster?

Many thanks!


Running EA on VPS?

1) First you have to check the latency to pupolar brokers

in your dos window, or "run" - "cmd", to get a dos window,

then you ping your broker


so you see the average mille second. it is good if the average latency is under 100 ms, it is very good if the average latency is under 50 ms.

ActivTrades []

Admiral Markets []

Alpari-UK []

Alpari-US []

ATC []

Blackbay []

FastBrokersFX []

Forex.com []

ForexMeta SEE FXDD

FXCast []



FXOpen []

Gallant FX []

InterbankFX []

IKON Royal []

InstaForex.com []

ITradeFX []

MasterForex []

MB Trading []

MigFX []

PFG Best []

Sig []


StrategyBuilderFX []

Tadawulfx []

TradeView []

Velocity4FX []

Metatrader must be hosted on window VPS server, not a linux one, not an unix one.

the VPS computer is better start from 512 mb ram.

http://www.mt4free.com hosting your EA for free, however, only with 3 forex broker.

VPSLAND.com :: Windows VPS Hosting Plans, $18 per month

Swvps.com - USA & UK Virtual Private Servers - OpenVZ and XEN, Forex VPS, $20 usd per month

http://www.commercialnetworkservices.com $30 usd per month

ForexVPS | Forex VPS Hosting, $35 USD per month


I subscribe to swvps but relocate to L.A, already 1month with them.

No downtime that I'm not aware of, currently running 9 MT4 on my VPS using 300-400MB RAM.

20usd for 700mb RAM, very cheap! and they already disable all the services that are not needed.

The only thing I'm worry is that swvps seems like a one man show company.


Hi Ciberpal,

The only way an EA can be running is if it is attached to chart in metatrader.

If you have removed it then the only thing I can think of is that you have another instance of metatrader running with that EA attached.

Look in taskmanager to see if there are any extra terminal's running or users logged in.


Scheduled task to auto close and open the terminal

Hi all,

I have found that it is a good idea to close the trading terminal's down and restart them regularly to keep things running smoothly.

I have set up a scheduled task in windows to do this every day.

Save the 2 attached files to your PC.

endprograms.txt - will close terminals

startterminal.txt - will open terminals

Open the file endprograms.txt with notepad:

You will see in the file there is a command " taskkill /im terminal.exe ", when this file is run it will close all running instances of metatrader "terminals".

Save this file with the extension .BAT

You can now try this by double clicking the file from windows explorer.

Open the file startterminal.txt with notepad:

The location and the .exe file to be run must be included in this file.

The start "1" "C:\Program Files (x86)\MetaTrader1\terminal.exe" must be changed for the location of the terminal.exe you want to open.

You can find the location of your terminal.exe file by right clicking on it in windows explorer and selecting properties.

More than 1 start command can be issued by including a new command line starting with " start "2" " etc.

When you have finished the changes save the file with the extension .cmd

You can test this by double clicking the file from windows explorer.

Set up a scheduled task:

Go to Start/Accessories/System Tools/Scheduled tasks/Add Scheduled task

Browse to the location of the endprograms.BAT and set the scheduler to run the file as you require. Then set up a scheduled task to run the startterminal.cmd a minute or 2 later.



Then you must have a session of metatrader that is still running, check all the sessions and kill the one you do not want. Sometime, one session is not killed althrough you have closed the metatrader there, so the session is still running.

Hi all,

I have found that it is a good idea to close the trading terminal's down and restart them regularly to keep things running smoothly.

I have set up a scheduled task in windows to do this every day.

Save the 2 attached files to your PC.

endprograms.txt - will close terminals

startterminal.txt - will open terminals

Open the file endprograms.txt with notepad:

You will see in the file there is a command " taskkill /im terminal.exe ", when this file is run it will close all running instances of metatrader "terminals".

Save this file with the extension .BAT

You can now try this by double clicking the file from windows explorer.

Open the file startterminal.txt with notepad:

The location and the .exe file to be run must be included in this file.

The start "1" "C:\Program Files (x86)\MetaTrader1\terminal.exe" must be changed for the location of the terminal.exe you want to open.

You can find the location of your terminal.exe file by right clicking on it in windows explorer and selecting properties.

More than 1 start command can be issued by including a new command line starting with " start "2" " etc.

When you have finished the changes save the file with the extension .cmd

You can test this by double clicking the file from windows explorer.

Set up a scheduled task:

Go to Start/Accessories/System Tools/Scheduled tasks/Add Scheduled task

Browse to the location of the endprograms.BAT and set the scheduler to run the file as you require. Then set up a scheduled task to run the startterminal.cmd a minute or 2 later.

This would be cool.