EA on remote servers ? - page 15


PC Anywhere ?


Also look atLogmein.com

For machines on my local lan, where I don't want to access over them from a remote site, I use UltraVNC.


Automated deployment to VPS


I have a developing machine and a vps, where I'm running 2 MT-Instances.

While developing, I always thought it would be nice to have some kind of automation for transferring compiled EAs and scripts from my development-machine to the vps. So far, I'm using the integrated file transfer in UltraVNC. However this thing crashes from time to time and is not very comfortable.

How do you guys do this?



I also use UltraVNC but having no problem with the file transfer .... maybe it is about your internet connection


I have a developing machine and a vps, where I'm running 2 MT-Instances.

While developing, I always thought it would be nice to have some kind of automation for transferring compiled EAs and scripts from my development-machine to the vps. So far, I'm using the integrated file transfer in UltraVNC. However this thing crashes from time to time and is not very comfortable.

How do you guys do this?

I also use UltraVNC but having no problem with the file transfer .... maybe it is about your internet connection

The oldie FTP is the best to transfer files.

Also look atLogmein.com

A lot of traffic goes through their servers when using logmein. I'm way too paranoid to use this...


Metatrader Web Hosting Info Request

I have been having issues with Meta Trader expert advisor and am considering utilizing a web hosting service. I was wondering if anybody had any recommendations or feedback they could provide?


MT4 EA hosting options?

Hi all,

I have been having problems with my EA crashing and have been looking into a hosting service that would allow my EA to be connected and up and running at all times. Any recommendations or suggestions out there?



Amazon EC2 image

If anyone is interested, my company created an Amazon EC2 image that already is configured to run MetaTrader. It is a Linux image, but has the requisite fixes such that:

- Parameters can be changed

- Fonts should be accurate

- GUI looks like Windows (for easy of use)

- It is securely and easily connectable using NXClient (NoMachine NX - Download the NX Terminal Server and Remote Access Software)

It is also a decent way to play around with a VPS for hosting without buying a full month.

Since the system is already configured, it is tied to a given user. The preset username is: forextrader with a password: trader1

The Amazon EC2 id is ami-086d8961. Not sure if it is any help, but I'd be happy to provide some assistance.


Help, I get a lot of double orders

Hi guys,

I'm running two EAs on two demo account on Alpari. One of them is Alpha9, one is FapTurbo.

But I noticed there are a lot of double orders on both EAs.

Which means: same time, same price and nearly (due to MM I think) size.

Any ideas what's going wrong?

Thank you
