Can MQL use Database connection? - page 2


I have figured out that you cannot use OUTFILE to export data from a remote server to a local computer so this won't work for me. I am trying to figure out another way to retrieve data since there is no resource datatype in MQL and the OUTFILE won't work.



Does anyone find any new library for db use?


Metatrader Data to MySQL

Maybe this will help... - View Single Post - Metatrader data to MySQL


mysql wrapper I wrote a while ago.


I'm having problems with any implementation of this. Reasons are:

1. The above OUTFILE does not work as this is a web-based server.

2. The second wrapper (written by Russell2k8) looks GREAT, but doesn't work because of the error: "cannot load library 'mysql_wrapper.dll' ( 250 characters)" class="linkator">error 126)". I placed this file EVERYWHERE (include, libraries, system32, etc) so I believe this is a dependency issue on some other dll that mysql_wrapper is calling... but can't figure out what.

Another note: I'd suggest modifying the code in the above indicators to not issue a mysql_close() on de-init(), but rather a single function that will connect, query, close and return result. Otherwise, you end up with a constant connection to your MySQL server and this will quickly cause problems on any web-based SQL server.



same problem to me, i try everything but dont work


I am getting error

Hi guys,

I tried to use this code. i am getting the below error. Any clue on this.?

I installed MYSQL 5.5 in the "C:\Program Files\MySQL" folder.

2011.10.14 18:40:22 test1 EURUSD,M1: cannot load library 'libmysql.dll' ( 250 characters)" class="linkator">error 126)

Thank and regards




There is an explanation on the MetaTrader website for this error. It is not an MQL4 error.

cannot load library 'test1.dll' (error 126) What is this? Error 126 are not documented. / Forum: Forex Trading with MetaTrader 4

126 The specified module could not be found. ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND


MT4-ODBC Bridge

This is a library for the popular trading terminal, MetaTrader4 (MT4), to give access to a relational database through ODBC interface. The main features are as follows.

Recording price data

Synchronizing trade status

Executing orders

MT4 has its own programming language, MQL4, for algorithmic trading. Though it is easy to learn, its expressiveness is very limited. People who want to execute more sophisticated algorithm tend to resort to outside of MT4, typically using DLL. But the native programming of DLLs is restricted to the Windows platform, which is not familiar to mainstream programmers of the recent open source movement.

MT4-ODBC Bridge (MOB in short) provides a buffer area onto a RDBMS like MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, etc. Such database is general enough for the most open source programmers. You can access to the database by your familiar language, or maybe directly by SQL.