10 pips per day - page 6


Strategy to turn 1000$ to 700,000$ v easily

Hi people,

Did you know that if you can average 50pips per day trading just 10% of your account balance, in less than 200-300 days you can turn 1000$ to over 700,000USD!!

& more good news! If you are the type who make more pips like 100-200pip a day, then you can reach those goals in 1/4 the time!!

goodluck everyone


Hi people,

Did you know that if you can average 50pips per day trading just 10% of your account balance, in less than 200-300 days you can turn 1000$ to over 700,000USD!!

& more good news! If you are the type who make more pips like 100-200pip a day, then you can reach those goals in 1/4 the time!!

goodluck everyone


I love to see this type of post in the morning, at least we will have some thing to joke about all day. Hmmm wonder what it would be if you got 120 pips per day, ROFL


did you know that 95% of traders fail and can turn a milliion into nothiing in the same time period on Just 50 pips per day!