10 pips per day - page 5


I think that this thread has been hijacked..lol. Not that I mind but if you are trying to sell your system,maybe it would be better to do it in another section.

Shwetha, is that a demo or live trading?? IF you are planning to make it commercial you would gain more credit posting live trades rather than just demo trades. 3 years in the making eh?? And why arent you trading it yourself??

I think most traders if they are still in forex trading after 1year learn a lot. They have seen read and tested a lot of systems.

Please do not read this as any severe criticism of anything that you do, but these are legit questions. Sorry, I dont intend to buy your system, thank you.


Hi,elihayun,very nice.Thank you.


do you have new results with this EA ?



hi radical moses

I think that this thread has been hijacked..lol. Not that I mind but if you are trying to sell your system,maybe it would be better to do it in another section.

Shwetha, is that a demo or live trading?? IF you are planning to make it commercial you would gain more credit posting live trades rather than just demo trades. 3 years in the making eh?? And why arent you trading it yourself??

I think most traders if they are still in forex trading after 1year learn a lot. They have seen read and tested a lot of systems.

Please do not read this as any severe criticism of anything that you do, but these are legit questions. Sorry, I dont intend to buy your system, thank you.



Thanks for your feed back and suggestions,but i want to tell you one thing u believe or not we spent lot of money nearly 2.25 lakh dollars and sacrificed a lot of things....

my father is a share broker with reputed name..for 15 years doing yeoman service to the investing community...he fed up seeing to the losses making by his clients...

during his experience he has seen more investors and traders ..particularly two persons were tradering with him...one is highly diciplined and the other impulse trader without any strategy...

one day diciplined trader commented after trading hours looking to the other trader...jumping ..without knowing how to swim and then sunking..he uttered these three words in local language....

these comments give a great insight to my father is that what is required to float in water,one needs to learn swimming skills...in the same way he compared market as a river whats needed here to make money consistently is one has to master some trading skills ...

he made a challenge to himself to master these skills and see that he will get back all the amounts lost by his clients...with this noble aim he started learing how to trade profitably spent lakhs of rupees on books and softwares he put all his resources.money ,time ..name everything and dedicated his life for that..

at last he identified and developed profitable trading strategy after lot of pain and perseverence with gods grace...he want to help millions of ppl to make profit from his strategy..but right now we r in deep financial problems...so want to make money by selling that to get back our investment in the project...

first we staked our money and after success only we r selling this system to others ..so they need not reinvent the wheel again...

i'am, writing this lengthy explanation to you only to make you understand that we r seriousne ppl with genuine interst to help others...



he want to help millions of ppl to make profit from his strategy..but right now we r in deep financial problems...so want to make money by selling that to get back our investment in the project...


Yes, that would be right! If your system is so good why don't you use it yourself to make money instead of selling it to other people???

I will tell you why: because it is far easier for you to take money from the naive trader than it is for you and your father to make money out of the market!

Selling the system to "millions of ppl" will generate millions of dollars, far more easier than you and your father actually using it yourselves to make money!

Now, please stop writing more BS in this thread!



I hate to tell you that I told you so!!

Recently i bought a pack that includes a system plus tutoring during one month from the service seller. I am making in a regular basis 25/35 pips a day and my skills are improving. I am not here to advertise to no one. If anyone wants to know details feel free to PM me. Bye!

This person CREATIVE is using deceptive practicesto promote his eBay listing - the "service seller" is him!

How do I know? Well I sent a PM to CREATIVE yesterday and I got this response:

"Hi! I was almost leaving the "forex world" until i bought a system on e.bay (took my chances ) and it was good! the name is forex for financial freedom. Like i said i am making 25/30 pips a day almost everyday. Its not the holy grail, but is very good to me.

That's it. have a nice day!"

(Does this sound like someone trying to sell you something?)

So, what did I do? I went over to eBay to look for the listing he was talking about and low and behold I see that the seller is from Portugal just like CREATIVE!


Coincidence??? - I think not!

Also, look at the date that the seller on eBay from Portugal registered their account: 20 Aug 2006, yet CREATIVE wrote his message to the forum on 21 Aug 2006 saying how he was "making in a regular basis 25/35 pips a day" blah, blah, blah... this we can see is pure and utter BS!

WOW! Why are there so many people looking to get money from us traders in such a deceptive way?

@ Creative: you are not very good in hiding your tracks!!

radicalmoses was right when saying:


I think that this thread has been hijacked..lol. Not that I mind but if you are trying to sell your system,maybe it would be better to do it in another section.

So Creative, if you want to sell your system why not just say so and start a thread to prompte it? There is nothing wrong in selling a system, but to try to do so with such deceptive marketing practices as has been shown in this situation is what I take issue with, hence my response.


You know what, I've been trading Forex now about a week but if there is one thing I learned it is NOT to buy any "Money making EA" from such people. If it is so great, why aren't you making money USING in and not SELLING it for a low $300?

I think I'll be better off LEARNING and TESTING my way into Forex

This person CREATIVE is using deceptive practicesto promote his eBay listing - the "service seller" is him!

How do I know? Well I sent a PM to CREATIVE yesterday and I got this response:

"Hi! I was almost leaving the "forex world" until i bought a system on e.bay (took my chances ) and it was good! the name is forex for financial freedom. Like i said i am making 25/30 pips a day almost everyday. Its not the holy grail, but is very good to me.

That's it. have a nice day!"

(Does this sound like someone trying to sell you something?)

So, what did I do? I went over to eBay to look for the listing he was talking about and low and behold I see that the seller is from Portugal just like CREATIVE!


Coincidence??? - I think not!

Also, look at the date that the seller on eBay from Portugal registered their account: 20 Aug 2006, yet CREATIVE wrote his message to the forum on 21 Aug 2006 saying how he was "making in a regular basis 25/35 pips a day" blah, blah, blah... this we can see is pure and utter BS!

WOW! Why are there so many people looking to get money from us traders in such a deceptive way?

@ Creative: you are not very good in hiding your tracks!!

radicalmoses was right when saying:

So Creative, if you want to sell your system why not just say so and start a thread to prompte it? There is nothing wrong in selling a system, but to try to do so with such deceptive marketing practices as has been shown in this situation is what I take issue with, hence my response.

Why do you say that? Did i send you any pm with deceptive information? You have come to me, i didn't pm you.

If i wanted to sell anything i shure would have created a thread in the forum commercial section!

I have seen you highlited the fact the seller is from portugal, and that is true. that's the main reason i bought the system, the fact i could talk to the person in my native language helped a lot. I meet him when i was applying for a portuguese broker (https://www.ljcarregosa.pt/ljc/index.html.

You make mention the date fact correct? I have just e-mail the seller of the system and ask him how long he is selling on e-bay? He wrote me back and told me he is selling it since the beggining of the year on e-bay.

If you have more questions i will answer them gladly


it's not selling ,sharing system

Yes, that would be right! If your system is so good why don't you use it yourself to make money instead of selling it to other people???

I will tell you why: because it is far easier for you to take money from the naive trader than it is for you and your father to make money out of the market!

Selling the system to "millions of ppl" will generate millions of dollars, far more easier than you and your father actually using it yourselves to make money!

Now, please stop writing more BS in this thread!

please dont bad mouth of others till u have valid reasons....

for u'r information i'am not selling my system...my marketing plan is as follows

you needed 3000 usd to trade my strategy...its expected to produce profits of 250 to 300 dollars per month.....

1) I will post my results for three months,then if u r interested ...

2) I will allow you to demo trade for one month..if u r happy with the results

3) i will share my system to trade in real a/c

4)you have to share agreed percentage of profit with me...

5) after trading in real a/c..any time you feel like refering to others you will get some incentive for refering..

6)It is a win win proposal for all

please note you need not pay a single cent from your pocket..you r just sharing some profit made by you through my system

i hope i cleared your doubts ..if u have any further questions on this ,i am glad to reply...


please god dont resurrect this thread