*.ex4 files


Is there any reason why I can't get ex4 files running, only mq4? Once I save *.ex4 file to the indicators directory, I just don't see the indicator in cust. indicator window. Does anybody know why?


Sounds like it is an Exe file that was made pre met4 188.

They all get wiped if you put them in a mert4 189 onwards




no, the file was made using the most recent, 191 version. why is this happening? also why with some brokers i don't see all indicators in cust. ind., only let's say up to letter R.? if I use mt4 from f.e. FXDD it's ok. but I still can't run some ex4 files!!! can anybody help me out with this?


ex4 files and custom indicators

also why with some brokers i don't see all indicators in cust. ind., only let's say up to letter R.?{QUOTE]

it is because the new 191 build doesn't support more than 100 custom indicators and ex4 files which don't have mqlanguage4 files

to fix the above probalem u can delete some indicators which u seldom use

and for ex4 files try to compile it in metaeditor maybe it will fix urs

silent reader