Too many MT4 platforms limitation!?!? - page 2


Or using a windows server product & running terminal services, by default you can run 3 sessions including the console before terminal services has to be registered for additional licences.

There are options out there but it can be complicated & will be for most.


That is interesting. So you are saying that if I use windows server edition, I would have the possibilty to open more MT4 platform on a single PC?

I am not familiar with the procedure in running multiple terminal services to help in this perticular dilemma I am experiencing...Could you please point out a site that would have an explanation for this sort of thing?




Windows Terminal Server 2000/2003

Goto this website for read on terminal server.

Terminal server overview for metatrader use.

Basic overview

OK first terminal server or Windows server 2000 or 2003 server allows the delivery of multiple applications to specfic users or profiles useing terminal services.

OK most of us use Windows XP right, say we have these logon's

1 administrator

2 jorgka

3 jorgka's girlfriend

everytime we boot into windows it give us a list of the following users. We then click on the user we wish to logon as. EG jorgka

This then loads our profile in windows & we are limited to this session & this session only. meaning we run our apps within our profile.

Think of terminal services as the same thing.

First all we have a MS office load onto the server (same as win XP) other app & tools, like winzip, anitvirus, adobe readers & most importantly MT4 he he.

these apps are all installed under the admin profile.

We then create new profiles & users

1 jorgka

2 jorgka's girlfriend

3 MT4 trading

4 MT4 testing

So in the jorgka profiles we create just access to word, excel the basic sort of stuff & exclude MT.

in profiles 3 & 4 we setup MT the same as weve done in our XP but now were managing two profiles. say profile 4 MT4 testing i'v added 2 or 3 ea's to test, while in in profile 3 MT trading it's configured to my live account.

Where XP only allows 1 profile to be run at any given time, well you can access RDP into different profile but it's no use to us.

While Terminal server allows all profiles to be run at the same time concurrently, with all sessions running independatly from one another & in separate memory space.

So my girlfreind can be logged in remotly into her profile while at the MT testing is unaffected & she would be unaware of what is even going on.

Also all profiles can be access remotly, so If you have a static ip given from your interent provider, you can logon remotly into terminal server & check out your trades & experts that you have running in the back ground.

I'm an currently in the process of doing this as I'm always away from home & would love to check on the EA's.

Also connection over the internet is just like as if you are sitting right in front of the PC localy & requires about 20k of bandwidth for clean refresh display for metatrader.

Plus being a server app, there are in limitation into how many tcp connection that can be made over the internet. were as in XP if you download more that 10 items at once in XP normaly everything else suffers, that's why I'm so surpirsed to here people have 10 or more MT4 cause thats 10+ tcp session that windows has to handle & normaly it would suffer really badly. But I could be wrong due to the fact MT only requires very small bandwidth. even modem is OK for one session.

Terminal Server Memory allocation more secure & efficient.

Please ask if you have more questions



option 2 Vware or Virtual PC

option 2 allows using your normal windows XP workstation but allow 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 windows XP OS running at the same time depending on hardware specs,

Eg my machine.



100 hd

std video

I could use my windows xp as per normal & load on 2 vmware XP os's with each using only 256mb ram each session, Yes vmware allows you to specifly how much ram you wish to allocate to each instance of windows OS. This would be easier & the average user can do this.

I would recommend option 2.

however option 1 is recommend to Admin type users with some network experience & have the option to access there computer from anywhere in the world.



Virtual PC

free 45 day trial,

I think virtual PC is better suited for your, but for the advanced users terminal services is better.

So you have your normal XP system

1. virtual PC for testing ea's

2. virtual pc for more testing ea's

3. virtual pc for other things

Basicly you can separate your applications over multiple Os's

I'm sure the admin guys are probably doing this already


Plus being a server app, there are in limitation into how many tcp connection that can be made over the internet. were as in XP if you download more that 10 items at once in XP normaly everything else suffers, that's why I'm so surpirsed to here people have 10 or more MT4 cause thats 10+ tcp session that windows has to handle & normaly it would suffer really badly. But I could be wrong due to the fact MT only requires very small bandwidth. even modem is OK for one session.

Terminal Server Memory allocation more secure & efficient.

Please ask if you have more questions


Jorgka , thanks for the detail explanation. I think I will try both methods and see what happens.

BTW, there is a patch to get around the limitations of the 10 half-open TCP connections. I think the patch push it up to 50.



I think maybe should of said this earlier. But maybe the metatrader DLL files Dynamic Link Libary file's would have an exception error if a particular DLL file was used outside it's limitation. EG 30+ concurrent instances would strain this file libary due to the way it's being handled.

If this is the case this problem would be eliminated using the 2 options given already.


May the heavens shower pips on us all



Any probs with the setup send me a PM



Oh Sada,

i'd also prefer to use 2000 over 2003 server terminal services, the reasons are terminal services 2003 could pose a licencing issue if you know what I mean. (Microsoft made changes to TS Licencing in 2003)


When using metatrader in TS you may have move the DLL file's into a different location in the TS profile cause please note profile's are a little different in Terminal Server.

So send me a PM if your stuck in that department.



Hey why do want more than one instance?(Not rhetorical, just curious)

Is it because of seperate accounts you want to run or because you want multiple EA's on the same chart and pair. If it is the second, (I'm sure you know this so don't take offense if you do) but you can open the chart twice and run a different EA on the second chart than the first. Of course the limitation here is the available capital in your account and result tracking becomes more difficult but you could program the EA to write to an external report file. That could reduce you down to two instances of metatrader, one live account, one demo account.


Hi I'm trying to determine if what I have experienced in the past is the same thing that is being discussed here. I have had quite a few instances of MT3.8 going at the same time and my monitor "freezes". I cannot load/call the MT platform windows. On some occassions ( not always) I cannot even open another program. For certain I cannot log into the internet.

My computer should have more that enough juice to handle things. CPU usuage is around 50-60%. Memory usuage is no where near max.

Computer Specs

Windows XP

Dual-Core 3.4ghz


thanks jorgka,


edit: I did a google search on [ limitation of "window handles" on XP ] and came up with this interesting link. Jorgka, do you think this will solve the problem without having to do a terminal server or virtual pc??

this link is an excellent article explaining what the above link is asking you to modify in the registry