COT Data Excel Sheet - page 5


Recent COT data in Excel sheet

Maybe there is someone with the latest data 2009, from 2006? I can't find a way of populating this sheet with the more recent data as only the latest week data is available as CVS.

The other option - concatenated cvs is not really working for this programme.




I'm going to necro this thread.

I've substantially updated the original excel sheet to work with the new disaggregated data, updated the chart looks, and incorporated a history importer to make it easier to bring in new financial cot charts.

If anyone is interested in having it posted here let me know or should I make a new topic?



I don't know where to start the new post or if you already have but I sure would like to get what you got!!!


New thread or not, please post it up!




I have your original 2006 spreadsheet I see your last post mentioned a updated version that handles the new data type. Do you still have the Latest Spreadsheet? I would love to have it. I held on to the original sheet you made and never could get it to work of lately.

