Psychology Trading books - page 2

Without prejudice

My name is Dirk du Toit

I am, as you know the writer, publisher and copyright owner of Bird Watching in Lion Country - Retail forex Trading Explained.

You have publicly distributed in my most successful target markets my copyrighted work. You are requested to stop this illegal activity immediately.

You have caused me, by posting a copy for free downloading together with a password on this site (, focussing exclusively on typical interested parties and potential purchasers of my property, calculable damages of approximately $11,000 in approximately 2 weeks.

In order to have this matter resolved amiacably I ask you to immediately pay to me the amount of 164 X $70.00 (US $11,480) and henceforth $70.00 for each and every copy you illegally distributed through this forum or any other means. You are to contact me immediately at the email address mentioned below to make the arrangement for money transfer.

You are also to remove from this and any other computers or computer servers copies of my copyrighted work you made or caused to be made without any delay.

Failing to adhere to the above fair request I will take the necessary steps to recoup direct losses, indirect losses, loss of future income, damages to my good name and the legal costs incurred to recoup same from you and your collaborators.

Dirk du Toit

i was pm'd this msg from a person wid username Jonty. Is he serious... ??



well first of all you made the right thing in stoping the "distribution" of his book.

i've seen threat like that in the moneytec forum too, by the same so called Drforex.

and they stoped the files from being shared.

as for the money he askes i dont know,but i realy dont think you should pay what he asks for.

you should not contact him as he requested firmly with a threatening manner.

i think you should consult with your own lawyer first !!!

dont be intimidated maybe the writer is not him at all and is just a mischievous kid who wants to frighten you.

hell everything can happen in the internet.

you should check out what happend in the moneytec forums with that issue.

here is the link for the disccusion on that matter and how it ended:

the thread called : Have You Also Stolen Bird Watching In Lion Country?

well first of all you made the right thing in stoping the "distribution" of his book.

i've seen threat like that in the moneytec forum too, by the same so called Drforex.

and they stoped the files from being shared.

as for the money he askes i dont know,but i realy dont think you should pay what he asks for.

you should not contact him as he requested firmly with a threatening manner.

i think you should consult with your own lawyer first !!!

dont be intimidated maybe the writer is not him at all and is just a mischievous kid who wants to frighten you.

hell everything can happen in the internet.

you should check out what happend in the moneytec forums with that issue.

here is the link for the disccusion on that matter and how it ended:

the thread called : Have You Also Stolen Bird Watching In Lion Country?

first of all thanx alot for the advice currencyshmuck....a real bunch of thanx to u...

secondly... i really want to laugh here... i m not paying him anything...and there are many reasons to this... i live in a country where there are no copyrights on i can distribute as many ebooks i want according to the law of my country... secondly... this person who claims to be drforex doesnt even know who the hell i m and where i live etc, so how can he reach me and sue me... thirdly there were more the 150 ebooks shared on that thread, i just posted one link...

i request drforex to plz stop wasting my and his time and plz stop threatening me... if that doesnt help him stay calm... then plz come to my country and sue me... i'll wait for u...

first of all thanx alot for the advice currencyshmuck....a real bunch of thanx to u...

secondly... i really want to laugh here... i m not paying him anything...and there are many reasons to this... i live in a country where there are no copyrights on i can distribute as many ebooks i want according to the law of my country... secondly... this person who claims to be drforex doesnt even know who the hell i m and where i live etc, so how can he reach me and sue me... thirdly there were more the 150 ebooks shared on that thread, i just posted one link...

i request drforex to plz stop wasting my and his time and plz stop threatening me... if that doesnt help him stay calm... then plz come to my country and sue me... i'll wait for u...

Hey Jude

Don't carry the world upon your shoulder.


When I find myself been time of trouble

Mother Marry comes to me , speaking word of wisdom,

LET IT BE , LET IT BE ... ) )

ofcourse mate here it is:

hope the admin will not delete this thread too.

maybe it would be wise to post links with trading ebooks in other places?

someone have a recommandation of such a site or a forum or whatever?

Thank you for the books, now I have just about everything I need to understand investing and trading.



Mind trainings


I would ask you about mind trainings. I have found internet page where you can buy mind trainings for traders. Does anybody of you tried these trainings? If so does it work? Maybe you have some lessons in order to try. Here is the link:



I think that is what you need


Free Trading Psychology Articles

I found some free articles to help a trader's mindset. I didn't write them, but I hope you find them useful. They are all written in Microsoft Word, but if you don't have it, you can download a free MS Word Viewer from the second link.

Maybe this can be the start or an addition to another thread on trading psychology.


Free Articles

I have a section on my site that contains great article.

They are free and I made sure they are to be used to publish on websites.

You can find it under "Resources" on