St. Paddy's Day


Have an Irish Chuckle.

Have an Irish Chuckle.

That's great! Although... how do I get my files back?



Have a Belgian Chuckle


I think my brain had infected

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Have an Irish Chuckle.

I worked a lot abroad in with Irish police and military before. A lot.

There are very good people.

I have many friends from there.

And sometimes I can not see anything (using_computer_with_magnifying_glass.jpg).

And it is my cat (sorry Nina) (my_cat.jpg)

Because we are celebrating this day as well. Thanks Tolero.


I am moving this thread to non-discussian area.

Otherwise we can not continue.

I worked a lot abroad in with Irish police and military before. A lot.

There are very good people.

I have many friends from there.

And sometimes I can not see anything (using_computer_with_magnifying_glass.jpg).

And it is my cat (sorry Nina) (my_cat.jpg)

Because we are celebrating this day as well. Thanks Tolero.

Hi ND,

And sometimes I get just a little frustrated when writing code.

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My computor pick up a virus of a different kind.