SpeechText back to live!


Hi folks,

Don't bother yourselves and download my Speak DLL:


Now MetaTrader can speach again!

Your comments are very appreciated!



Where I can find the dll SpeachText?

BTW, I went to the www.metatrader.info and I tried to download the MM.ZIP and this link doesn't work.

Could you please tell me where I can find the MM.ZIP too?

Thank you.


Where I can find the dll SpeachText?

BTW, I went to the www.metatrader.info and I tried to download the MM.ZIP and this link doesn't work.

Could you please tell me where I can find the MM.ZIP too?

Thank you.



Please try again and be sure that you have registered in www.metatrader.info!


It works great!

Thanks, codersguru!


SpeechText version 2!

Hi folks,

I want to thank you all because your interest in my SpeechTextdll.

Upon your requests I have added these extra options:


Now you can set the volume of the voice (0 : -100).


Set the rate of the voice (-10 : 10).


Set the pitch of the voice ( -50 : 50).

That's beside the original function:


Speak the text.

Download the new version here:



www.metatrader.info Registration

Hi Codersguru,

I tried to register in www.metatrader.info, but after completed the registration the email with my password never arrived.

Could you please help me?

Thank you.



Hey codersguru,

Excellent work you're doing here, mate.

I have a few problems with this version.

The DLL is incorrectly named in the include file i.e. speak.dll where the DLL is actually named SPEECH.DLL

If i rename the DLL to speak.dll, I get an error '2006.03.21 10:37:18 Speack_Demo GBPUSD,M30: cannot call function 'gRate' from dll 'speak.dll'

- so there appears to be something wrong there also

Original version works great though


Speech Text 2

I was unable to get the second version of your speech module to function with the rate, pitch or volume commands.

I appreciate your efforts to include additional capabilities to the module.

I have worked with speech to text engines which utilize the SAPI4 and SAPI5 commands. I especially like the ability to change voices. I run ATTNaturalVoices on my system. These voices are of excellant quality which is why I appreciate the ability of your speech module to access them.

It would be really nice to switch voices to distinguish between different types of alerts or information. For me, the ability to change pitch and rate are of minor importance. The ability to change the voice and access the other SAPI commands would be more desirable.

I was playing with speech to text a couple of years ago in Visual Basic. The following is a link that I happened on at the time. You may find something of use in it.


I do appreciate your efforts on the gSpeak module and look forward to further developments if you deem them worthy of the effort.



dll updated!

Hi Codersguru,

I tried to register in www.metatrader.info, but after completed the registration the email with my password never arrived.

Could you please help me?

Thank you.



I'm sorry for that!

I'm inform the Admin with your problem.

Please find attached the new version of SpeechText dll.

speak.zip  16 kb
Hey codersguru,

Excellent work you're doing here, mate.

I have a few problems with this version.

The DLL is incorrectly named in the include file i.e. speak.dll where the DLL is actually named SPEECH.DLL

If i rename the DLL to speak.dll, I get an error '2006.03.21 10:37:18 Speack_Demo GBPUSD,M30: cannot call function 'gRate' from dll 'speak.dll'

- so there appears to be something wrong there also

Original version works great though

I'm sorry for that.

Please download the dll now


New speak.dll

I tried the new speak.dll and it works great.

The rate, volume, and pitch all work with "Microsoft Sam".

The rate and volume but not the pitch work with the ATTNatural Voices.

I know that change of pitch can not be implemented in the ATT Voices.

If I remember correctly that is because the ATT Voices are SAPI5 compliant.

I believe that "Sam" is SAPI4 compliant.

Thanks for the great work!!
