Live North Finance Account Hacked B4 I Even Could Login



I wanted to let people know right now that your security may not be safe.

I have not been able to use metatrader and have been trying to clean my computer all day so the platform works on my laptop. Currently, if I open the platform with a chart open, properties box pops up and will not close.

Finally, this afternoon, I managed to manaully close each of the 4 charts that were open, by lining up my cursor with the "File" menu and closing one chart at a time, followed by a "CTL, ALT, DEL" to end the program.

I excitedly changed the server settings and login name/ password, only to find a trade had already been instigated on the AUD/USD before I'd even worked out how to use the platform for live trading.

For the first time in my experience, I have had my account hacked - first live MT4 account, before I could even log in, and someone instigated a trade on the AUD/USD - a pair I've never looked in to.

To top it off the broker told me at first that they've made it impossible for anyone to access the system.

Ever felt you just don't know who to trust anymore?

Really shook me up, this.

To make matters worse, it appears to be a very dumb trade as well.

This is a distressing thing and I ask for advice/support.




This issue has been resolved and my account replenished in full by the company.

It turned out that one of the staff had left my account logged in when he was testing access to the account.

Later, when the next staff was "demo trading" he/she didn't realize it wasn't a demo account - it was my LIVE account!!!

Unfortunately it was a losing trade and I had to ask for a refund to my account because it wan't me who instigated the trade.

So, I now like the company, they were very friendly and helpful in resolvein the matter, and no harsh words passed from either sides, although I was a bit anoyed because I thought they were going to make out that I had made the Aussi/USD trade myself, despite the fact that I can't even look at aa chart on etatrader right now due to a hardware fault, let alone place a trade.

Best success.


A big relief to find that my emil security and other data had not been compromised.


Staff can log to my account and trade????


Did you say some staff of the broker's company can LOG IN to their client's account and actually PLACE TRADES??

In this case you say they were nice recognizing THEIR error but what happens if the broker (anyone) opens a trade on your account and they say it was you?? That is possible for what you say right? How could you proof it wasn't you?

I am sorry if this is too obvios or I am saying nonsenses but I am just figuring out this forex-only web-give me your money-brokers.



Hi Efex -

I think you will find that the techies have a certain level of access to accounts because of their work. I know when I once called for help (with another company), the techies closed my position for me (at my request) and then somehow opened another (which lost -- but they reimbursed me for that too). All of these guys are in hi-confidence positions. They have to be for our sercurity. The server goes down -- and I can call and close a position by just giving my account number in an emergency.

Note in yourcase the staff could access the account without password ONLY because it was inadvertantly left open (to all the world), so no they did not LOG IN.

I am glad to hear that North Finance responded so well -- I have just opened an account with them and on my way to finance it now