Adding currencies to Metatrader 4


I have currently only 10 currencies on Metatrader 4. Is there a way to add more currencies? Thanks


Hi Tukino

Right-Click in the Market Watch window and click ShowAll. This will dislplay all the currencies, CFD, indexes, etc..

I hope this helps.

I have currently only 10 currencies on Metatrader 4. Is there a way to add more currencies? Thanks

What broker are you using? Right click on the window with the list of pairs and select 'Show All'.


Oops! Looks like cucurucu and I both replied at the same time. LOL!!


Thanks for the reply. I am only using the demo and it seems that there is not the currency that I am looking for. NZD and AUD/JPY? Thanks anyway.

Thanks for the reply. I am only using the demo and it seems that there is not the currency that I am looking for. NZD and AUD/JPY? Thanks anyway.

Tukino, it depends on which broker you are using for your demo. Different brokers offer some different pairs.