Harmonic Trading - page 494


Sorry, I was on vacation in Spain for one week so I really couldn't find time to enter the forum. The good news is, I've finished the new version bwhich includes "121 Pattern" and "Perfect 121 Pattern".

But I haven't decided yet on which version it would be build (wsv123 or wsv135).

Probably, it would be on wsv123 since it uses %10 less ram than wsv135



  • Some minor code improvements been made for zigzag depth calculations
  • "Perfect 121" & "Enhanced 121 Pattern" Pattern been added to current pattern list

"Perfect 121 Pattern"

"Enhanced 121 Pattern"

I was so waiting for this! Thank you so much gradeavus.


"Enhanced 121 Pattern"

Enhanced 121 pattern is similar to white swan. Only fibonacci ratio discrepancy. There's a possibility that if enhance 121 fails, it becomes white swan.

eurusdh1_9.png  87 kb
dbhlc.gif  21 kb

There's something wrong with fibs. I'll upload again when I fix it. Sorry for this inconvenience

Maybe like this (fib deviation=0.05, maxdepth=55)? No worries anyways. Take your time.

gbpusdm30.png  72 kb

Hi. Thanks for this but I wasnt able to download it... anybody else with the same problem?



It not 121, what here harmony?

Why a pattern designated 1:1?

And on all Internet one drawing on a pattern which I took from the book walks Bryce Gilmore

And it has 3 books, and not one drawing about 121 patterns

All right, the code went to look

gbpusdh1_1.png  74 kb
Hi. Thanks for this but I wasnt able to download it... anybody else with the same problem?

He removed it because he found some problem. Wait for a fixed version.



  • Some minor code improvements been made for zigzag depth calculations
  • "Perfect 121" & "Enhanced 121 Pattern" Pattern been added to current pattern list

"Perfect 121 Pattern"

"Enhanced 121 Pattern"


There's something wrong with fibs. I'll upload again when I fix it. Sorry for this inconvenience

Okay fixed. Absolute values caused a problem in fib calculations. Now it should be okay. Please let me know if something doesn't work as it should be.



  • Some minor code improvements been made for zigzag depth calculations
  • "Perfect 121" & "Enhanced 121 Pattern" Pattern been added to current pattern list

"Perfect 121 Pattern"

"Enhanced 121 Pattern"

There's something wrong with fibs. I'll upload again when I fix it.

Sorry for this inconvenience