Harmonic Trading - page 449

XD shark is 0.886

XD cypher is 0.786

we see XD= 0.854 (real 0.859)

dot X=0.99709,

dot A=0.92133,

dot D=0.98378

Abs(XA) = 0.07576

Abs(AD) = 0.06246

fib XD = AD / XA = 0.8244

0.786 * Max Fib Deviation (%5) = 0.786 * 1.05 = 0.8253

0.8244 < 0.8253 so still ratios are inside the range.

i see it with 5% deviation, what's you max deviation now on that pattern?

35%. I'm testing Fibonacci and Leg Length Deviation on v113wsv53 to find a better value for my taste. Do you use wsv55?

35%. I'm testing Fibonacci and Leg Length Deviation on v113wsv53 to find a better value for my taste. Do you use wsv55?

For me juz aim UJ drop until 99.57 then bounce up

35%. I'm testing Fibonacci and Leg Length Deviation on v113wsv53 to find a better value for my taste. Do you use wsv55?

yeah, i am, but i am trying 5%

you know, this might be good have this high deviation, while using more accurate zups, this might give you a general idea,

update us with your little test there


@grandaveus. GBPUSD H4. Bearish shark (Fib & Leg deviation 10%) and Bearish Navarro 200 (Fib and Leg deviation 5%) (White is wsv53). What I'd like to point out is that CD leg is corresponding with CD leg of bearish shark that is formed by v135 (Dodgerblue). And I haven't see any big difference, maybe I would see some ratio difference if I turned on ExtHidden. Yes higher deviation = showing patterns more often that's true but it's not a nuisance so far as long as wsv53 corresponds with other ZUPs I use. Anyways I'm still testing.

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TOTAL +++ eurusd 15m, i think it's shark from the TOTAL3 family, maxdeviation 5%

i had rsi divergence, also some resistance,

let's see how that one ends...

EDIT: Nope, not shark, more like Cypher

eurusd.m15.png  62 kb

EURUSD M15 (Fib&Leg deviation 35%). USDJPY M15 (20%). AUDUSD M15 (10%).

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EURUSD M15 (Fib&Leg deviation 35%). USDJPY M15 (20%). AUDUSD M15 (10%).

lol, your eurusd 15m 35% maxdev look just like mine with 5% maxdev

lol, your eurusd 15m 35% maxdev look just like mine with 5% maxdev

I know. That's why I'm testing I think it's important if you pay attention to ExtHidden.

I know. That's why I'm testing I think it's important if you pay attention to ExtHidden.

actually the only thing change is the PRZ box, so probably need to test those important fibos with rsi divergence, might gave alot of good opportunities