Harmonic Trading - page 254


Second attempt at finding this answer out

Hello Guys,

Really sorry to bother you, but i'm really trying to figure out how the width of the prz is created. From my research it has to do with a deviation based on elliot waves. But i'm really looking for an indepth description of how they are calculated.

Please be as detailed as possible

Hello Guys,

Really sorry to bother you, but i'm really trying to figure out how the width of the prz is created. From my research it has to do with a deviation based on elliot waves. But i'm really looking for an indepth description of how they are calculated.

Please be as detailed as possible

I don't have my Pasavento book next to me and my memory could fails but prz starts when fibo pattern ends and ends when fibo extension ends.

Because of AB=CD.

When you have A, B and C you can calculate where D is going to start because it's 1.27/1.618 extension


pattern disappear


I am lerning about harmonic trading if someone would like to share technique on skype please add me : rujira_k

I have notice about pattern while emerge we enter trade after that the pattern is fail and my posiyion is hit stop loss. the price move further and pattern occur again as the same shape should we enter again?

Thank you.

Hello Guys,

Really sorry to bother you, but i'm really trying to figure out how the width of the prz is created. From my research it has to do with a deviation based on elliot waves. But i'm really looking for an indepth description of how they are calculated.

Please be as detailed as possible

My understanding is that it's nothing to do with Elliot wave. If you look at Scott's book, you will see, point D is determined by measuring 3 relationships:

1. retracement of XA

2. AB=CD or some sort of alternation

3. external retracement of BC

you feed into different Fib ratios, and above 3 calculations form a clustered area, and that is PRZ.


first experiements with Potential Reversal Zone -->

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There are some great harmonic traders out there. Thank you for all contributing to the subject I'm so fascinated by!


new member, trade review of harmonic pattern?

Hey guys,

new around here but have been getting into the harmonic stuff, wondering if I can get a few ideas from you guys about a trade setup for next week?

I included a screenshot for ease of use, but this is what I was thinking.

Scale in two orders at 7234 + 7221

Stops at 7262

First target at 7094

Second target at 7000

So I would be risking 69 pips to make 140 on my first target and 221 on my second.


nzdusd.gif  27 kb
Hey guys,

new around here but have been getting into the harmonic stuff, wondering if I can get a few ideas from you guys about a trade setup for next week?

I included a screenshot for ease of use, but this is what I was thinking.

Scale in two orders at 7234 + 7221

Stops at 7262

First target at 7094

Second target at 7000

So I would be risking 69 pips to make 140 on my first target and 221 on my second.


Looks like your kiwi dropped in very nice... but your entries would not have gotten hit, but a good reversal over all!


Hey guys,

I am new to this type of trading. But I am very interested in learning about the different patterns and price action. I think this thread will help a lot. It's a lot of reading, but I believe it will be well worth it. Thanks for the information.