Free videos - page 5


very nice video,tanks for those are sharing in here. sharing is caring


Video tutorials

This site may help anyone starting out in trading, all the videos are free and explain how the indicators work. Link is to the Moving averages but there are many others.

Happy trading



Here is a video. I have not played all of it myself but a friend of me that is new to trading say there was some good info in there.

The video is from a broker so it is probably made to get customers but if someone can learn something from it that should not be a big problem.

Anyway if someone think it is a problem just let me know and i will remove the post.

And i have no problem with it if Newdigital think it is spam and delete the post.

Anyway here is the video:

Easy-Forex™ Forex Education Center ::: Video: Get ready to trade!


Trading using the 1HR with RSI only. There are many such things trading with just the lagging indicators, eg., MACD, Divergence, EMAs, etc. Everything looks good in hindsight, just I want to know how many would actually just trade like that. We make trading so complicated these days that we forget the basics.


Thanks for the video...


Trading Psychology 101 by Denise Shull - 37min ~113 MB