Multi Timeframe Indicators - page 762

No problem All we need is an original (non-decompiled) source code

hj Mr. mladen.

I did not decompile any indicator, I actually downloaded this version from TSD site, the following is link:

Forex TSD - forex forum - Download K-J2_mod.mq4

I know your policy very good and I'll never ever ask any modification for any decompiled indicator, but as I said I downloaded from TSD and I suppose it is ok.

sorry for this confusion.


look to post #3519 in the following link:

which I found the indicator in, as I understand you made this indicator.


Talaat E

hj Mr. mladen.

I did not decompile any indicator, I actually downloaded this version from TSD site, the following is link:

Forex TSD - forex forum - Download K-J2_mod.mq4

I know your policy very good and I'll never ever ask any modification for any decompiled indicator, but as I said I downloaded from TSD and I suppose it is ok.

sorry for this confusion.


Talaat E

Dear Mladen

Also attached file is your reply on the post regarding same indicator K-J2_mod.mq4 in the following link:

post #3519.

As I understand from your comment you made this indicator

clipboard02.jpg  53 kb

this was repeated post

Dear Mladen

Also attached file is your reply on the post regarding same indicator K-J2_mod.mq4 in the following link:

post #3519.

As I understand from your comment you made this indicator

Yes, you are right

And ever since I saw that someone took my code, obfuscated it, renamed it and is selling it as his own I am living happily ever after _________________________

PS: it was posted for the first time at advanced section by me when I made it. Please do not ask me for the name of it : let the "author" of it tell us what is the original name

Yes, you are right

And ever since I saw that someone took my code, obfuscated it, renamed it and is selling it as his own I am living happily ever after _________________________

PS: it was posted for the first time at advanced section by me when I made it. Please do not ask me for the name of it : let the "author" of it tell us what is the original name

no problem, it happen

but that is mean it can be made MTF nmr !!!.

Am I right.

It is ok I can live with it, I am just joking .

Talaat E

No problem All we need is an original (non-decompiled) source code

Just out of interest, aren't you able to edit de-compiled codes or is this a moral duty? Sorry for the noob question

Just out of interest, aren't you able to edit de-compiled codes or is this a moral duty? Sorry for the noob question

Please read this post :

All the best


Can somebody help me please i have sent this indicators before . no body replied me .. i want this indicators mtf version ..

Can somebody help me please i have sent this indicators before . no body replied me .. i want this indicators mtf version ..


Check the one from this post :


Mr M

Can you possibly make it that the settings values, can be changed from the input window .


