Multi Timeframe Indicators - page 190

Big Joe:
Thanks master

You have a big kiss from the girls

Nice image Linuxser


nice, Joe, ND will kill you...

you can say - obviously it's relevant to Sin Trend indi and Rear(Rare?) Entry Technique (Strategy) - but it might not cut it....


p.s. he switched the picture - that's cheating!!! (now alll our remarks looks even more funny...



Igorad's abs + 4color Histo (smzbulls-smzbears) standalone mtf

more - post1862 :


kiss from the girls ...

nastiest practical joke, dirty trick

somebody, please kil Joe


Ahmed, colors means ><0; just for better visual


Thank you FXBS...

Have a great weekend



thank you Ethan, you too

Ahmed, very many LRS MTFs of all kinds in this thread (ama slope, etc.)

well, idea was interesting, worth a shot - who knows may be in some situations it could be a good filter or triger - we newer know anless we try

if you want play with lines crossings - here's the latest based on mladen's lr trend (now he's gonna kill me (and you too) - andjoy


Thanks mladen & FXBS for your great contribution...



Thank you fxbs

thank you Ethan, you too

Ahmed, very many LRS MTFs of all kinds in this thread (ama slope, etc.)

well, idea was interesting, worth a shot - who knows may be in some situations it could be a good filter or triger - we newer know anless we try

if you want play with lines crossings - here's the latest based on mladen's lr trend (now he's gonna kill me (and you too) - andjoy are right he should do that...BUT,HEY,As long as mladen and you will kill me,so may i ask you please (as my last wish befor excution ) to make a mix between 2 (LRS MTFs) in one separet window?

and may i be more sucks and ask you to make each one of them TO BE IN TWO COLORS above zero is blue and below zero to be red..that for each one them..

I know that i am givining you very hard time..thank you very much

as soon as you post the indicator,i will give you my neck ..

i still keep thanking you for ur help when i asked you the same befor.

thank you in advance


may be we'll get lucky and he'll switch on Joe somehow...

there is 2 lrs with signal lines mtf (in same sw -so they scaled the same)

well, try;

keep in mind - all cross signals considered valid after bar close, including mtf crosses (that is after higher TF bar close) ; you can go earlier, but later there is no way to tell (confirm or becktest) where indicator lines have been before bar close - you can see historical data only on bar close values, all open bar values - gone;



sinTrend a bit ruff, thought a bit of rudeness would be nice:

sinTrendM4colorsHist + Signal line