Multi Timeframe Indicators - page 1182


Thanks a lot  mntiwana for your response,

already tested this ind (and i think all other adaptives in f-tsd) but i wasn't  able to reproduce the exact same results as the posted one for all averages (FRAMA, KAMA, VIDYA, EMA)... (if i'm wrong and just couldn't find the apropriate settings please advise),

also i only use source files,

so i would appreciate it if it is possible be made mtf for mt4 and mt5

Here i tried with kama,it is matching with your,red/blue from your indi and yellow/magenta with mine,i hope other adaptives will be match too.


Here i tried with kama,it is matching with your,red/blue from your indi and yellow/magenta with mine,i hope other adaptives will be match too.

sorry but IMHO this is not a matching this is similar : )

anyways ...hope the uploaded ind will be converted see you and thank you for you efforts and time

can you explain with an illustration picture,what was you trying to match other adaptive indi with your posted indi,where you did not find your setting equal to that.

mntiwana  thank you for your consern but  : ) i'm not trying to much anything anymore (i was) ....

i make use of  the uploaded ind, also i do not keep indicators that i don't use,

just for the sake of it you can reproduce this picture of the suggestion of yours

ema adaptive ema mtf w alerts 2_1 and adaptiveema_1.02

Blue - Red is adaptiveema_1.02 boh with period to 14


even if you can mach it, the same must be done for all other 3 type of averages (FRAMA, KAMA, VIDYA) and not only EMA and the suggested file has to be in source format (mq4,mq5)....

i think is pointles to search and test and test and test and test ....when i have found what is working for me

ATTENTION: Video should be reuploaded

Thanks a lot  mntiwana for your response,

already tested this ind (and i think all other adaptives in f-tsd) but i wasn't  able to reproduce the exact same results as the posted one for all averages (FRAMA, KAMA, VIDYA, EMA)... (if i'm wrong and just couldn't find the apropriate settings please advise),

also i only use source files,

so i would appreciate it if it is possible be made mtf for mt4 and mt5

Regardless of the settings, if you are comparing the adaptive ema to those, they are not going to be the same (different math)

Will be very helpfull if someone can tell me where find this indicator thanks.

 multi time frame Keltner channel (Keltner channel == ma + atr bands)

i have a keltner channel indicator but i need it mtf please.
i have a keltner channel indicator but i need it mtf please.
Hope this is what you want
Regardless of the settings, if you are comparing the adaptive ema to those, they are not going to be the same (different math)
Yes i agree , even thought the file provided by mntiwana is ex4, is obvious from the curves that the calculations are different
Hope this is what you want
Thank you soo much Xronos.
i have a keltner channel indicator but i need it mtf please.
Try this one.