Astro... - page 8


Astro--> Excel---> metatrader

Hi Simba,

I'm about to commission a coder to extract the information and presented in Excel, In order to create accurate forecast please summarise the important that is required from the ephemeris. This can then be imported and presented correctly to the NN

Thanks in advance



Hi Simba,

I'm about to commission a coder to extract the information and presented in Excel, In order to create accurate forecast please summarise the important that is required from the ephemeris. This can then be imported and presented correctly to the NN

Thanks in advance

The most important thing is to clearly express what you want to achieve,let`s say,for the sake of discussion that you want to predict a good buying point...ok,so what is a good buying point?The effectiveness of the NN will depend on your definition,a point where you can make 100 pips,200 pips,in one day,in 2 days,in one week??..There are many ways to define it and you should choose one of them.

Then,in regards to astro...I would include all longitudinal and latitudinal data of Moon to Pluto,I would include the declinations too...and I would also take into account both a geocentric view and an heliocentric view...Then you will have to calculate aspects(distances in degrees among planets)...I would start by doing so on just a daily base,you can take 00:00 GMT or UTC as the defining point of the day,which is usually what most ephemeris use

You have to think that the more data you include,the better,then if your NN is good enough,it can eliminate the unnecessary inputs,before modelling the ones that may really matter.

OH,and I would use 2 NNs,classification ones..first one for good buying points,with 2 classes 1=good buying point,0=not a good buying point...second NN for good selling points,same kind of classification strategy.



moonvenus.gif  80 kb

Neuro Hit

Hi Simba,

I'm about to commission a coder to extract the information and presented in Excel, In order to create accurate forecast please summarise the important that is required from the ephemeris. This can then be imported and presented correctly to the NN

Thanks in advance

Check this link

Program Complex VegaSviri

1-They have a demo of neuro hit for download,I am testing it at the moment and it works(restricted), it will give you an idea of what you need to do in your NN.

2-It is possible that you can still buy the fully featured program,mail them and check it...but I feel like it is not so....this program and astroelite have practically dissappeared from the web.




Hi SIMBA. Huge chart images you have uploaded.

OP: Please keep this thread alive.


Cause of cycles

I would like to explain why I am so interested by astro,while I mainly trade based on cycles extracted by very sophisticated propietary indicators developed in a closed private group during months of hardwork..AND NOT FOR SHARE ..I share knowledge and that is what will make you money.

Basically:In my opinion, Astrological events are either the cause or are correlated with price cycles...see the pic,the vertical lines are the dates of the 90 degrees evolutions of Moon Venus,the cycle shown below is calculated by propietary algorithms applied to the time series of prices...they are exactly the same turning points ...I will quote James Smithson,who says it better than most...

"Perhaps the most important point that I would make to you is that the key principles underlying Gann's forecasting methodology are as follows:

Stock and commodity markets are principally driven by cycles and these cycles are produced by the planets. In short, astrological influences drive the financial markets.

Therefore Gann's forecasting method essentially comprised:

Firstly, identifying the particular astrological influences impacting a particular stock or commodity over a particular period of time; and

Secondly, estimating from the so-called Gann angles what the price of a particular stock or commodity would be on a particular day.

This second task is facilitated by the strong tendency for prices to conform to time when a time cycle is complete (All of the rules prove that time is the essential factor and that prices conform to time when a time cycle is complete; Why Money Is Lost On Commodities And Stocks And How To Make Profits, W. D. Gann, 1954). In practice, this means that when a time cycle is complete the price of a stock or commodity will tend to be on an important Gann angle." UNQUOTE

Well,During years,I had had my doubts about Gann,since there is a strong controversy about his success or failure in the markets ...On the other side,what is clear is that there is detailed written proof that he consistently predicted price turns to the dime and to the day..additionally,at the foundation for the study of cycles,astronomy and planetary influences are taken very seriously by people(most of them) with either scientific and/or trading backgrounds),I decided to explore this path and decide based on my own recolection of evidence,I started nearly 3 years ago,and I have to say that the first year I thought I was crazy to waste my time on this..well,fortunately,after discarding the pseudoscience and new age stuff, I found very good advice,in the books of G Bayer and then Bradley F Cowan,that I could either test statistically for correlation or by visual inspection ,and this convinced me that the time learning was well spent.

Why do cycles fail?..Because we don`t know their subjacent,we find a cycle,like the one shown in the pic,and we expect the next turn to be the 30th of September...but,when we know the cause(or,at least a correlated event),we know that the cycle is going to probably extend for a few days..;)...either that or the sequence is going to stop working,and we will have to find a new sequence for the next month.

BTW...I still haven`t toyed with the Gann angles,I use Pivots and previous highs and lows to estimate the area for a price turn,but I plan to do so and check the veracity of that assertion.



moonvenus3.gif  46 kb
I would like to explain why I am so interested by astro,while I mainly trade based on cycles extracted by very sophisticated propietary indicators developed in a closed private group during months of hardwork..AND NOT FOR SHARE ..I share knowledge and that is what will make you money.

Basically:In my opinion, Astrological events are either the cause or are correlated with price cycles...see the pic,the vertical lines are the dates of the 90 degrees evolutions of Moon Venus,the cycle shown below is calculated by propietary algorithms applied to the time series of prices...they are exactly the same turning points ...I will quote James Smithson,who says it better than most...

"Perhaps the most important point that I would make to you is that the key principles underlying Gann's forecasting methodology are as follows:

Stock and commodity markets are principally driven by cycles and these cycles are produced by the planets. In short, astrological influences drive the financial markets.

Therefore Gann's forecasting method essentially comprised:

Firstly, identifying the particular astrological influences impacting a particular stock or commodity over a particular period of time; and

Secondly, estimating from the so-called Gann angles what the price of a particular stock or commodity would be on a particular day.

This second task is facilitated by the strong tendency for prices to conform to time when a time cycle is complete (All of the rules prove that time is the essential factor and that prices conform to time when a time cycle is complete; Why Money Is Lost On Commodities And Stocks And How To Make Profits, W. D. Gann, 1954). In practice, this means that when a time cycle is complete the price of a stock or commodity will tend to be on an important Gann angle." UNQUOTE

Well,During years,I had had my doubts about Gann,since there is a strong controversy about his success or failure in the markets ...On the other side,what is clear is that there is detailed written proof that he consistently predicted price turns to the dime and to the day..additionally,at the foundation for the study of cycles,astronomy and planetary influences are taken very seriously by people(most of them) with either scientific and/or trading backgrounds),I decided to explore this path and decide based on my own recolection of evidence,I started nearly 3 years ago,and I have to say that the first year I thought I was crazy to waste my time on this..well,fortunately,after discarding the pseudoscience and new age stuff, I found very good advice,in the books of G Bayer and then Bradley F Cowan,that I could either test statistically for correlation or by visual inspection ,and this convinced me that the time learning was well spent.

Why do cycles fail?..Because we don`t know their subjacent,we find a cycle,like the one shown in the pic,and we expect the next turn to be the 30th of September...but,when we know the cause(or,at least a correlated event),we know that the cycle is going to probably extend for a few days..;)...either that or the sequence is going to stop working,and we will have to find a new sequence for the next month.

BTW...I still haven`t toyed with the Gann angles,I use Pivots and previous highs and lows to estimate the area for a price turn,but I plan to do so and check the veracity of that assertion.



My self i was member of the astro for a little while but quit them because i came to conclusion that those guys were only in it to sell theyr courses and metastock indic. But i have read about Pasavento who was himself toying with astro cycle, who must have learn from Gann books, and it catch my own interest. But beeing a simple human beeing, not verse into astrology, i never knew by where to begin... And wwich planet were significant. I was happy to find the astro indic but GOD knows why, it don't work for me... I really need to make it work. I am giving it a try once more. I will do what i said and try it onto another platform.. Will let you know about it.


Ok, I just figure out i must look on the week chart in order to see the cycles. And those cycle end on 19 april 2009. Venus cycle seems significant. More then Mercury.