Astro... - page 3


Pesavento,Larry---Planetary Harmonics of Speculative Markets

hi mates

here is the linke of the book


you often see these moves in conjuction with moon phases that exhaust the perception in the market from buyers to sellers. it's uncanny really. traders are sheep. so glad I found this correlation, it makes trading fun. I call it the hand of god effect. or hog for short.


i want to say that my main trading strategy is price patterns and i just trade with them.they are very good nad accurate bythemseleves but when i saw that some of u use the astrological phenomenan to have better enteris according to technical analisis(like patterns)i became interested in this matter.any way i have posted pessavento's book about this and i m reading it.anyway you said u use moon parabolic phases for better trading.i have some question in this matter:

1-from where and how u find the dates of this phenomenan.

2-as far as i got from your post.u use this just for finding sell i right?

would clarify this.

thanks for sharing


i want to say that my main trading strategy is price patterns and i just trade with them.they are very good nad accurate bythemseleves but when i saw that some of u use the astrological phenomenan to have better enteris according to technical analisis(like patterns)i became interested in this matter.any way i have posted pessavento's book about this and i m reading it.anyway you said u use moon parabolic phases for better trading.i have some question in this matter:

1-from where and how u find the dates of this phenomenan.

2-as far as i got from your post.u use this just for finding sell i right?

would clarify this.

thanks for sharing

hi kamyar.

my advice is the start with the most basic phenomena that you can. the quarter phase of the moon.

perhaps its not as common knowledge as I orginally thought so I will give you my interpretation.

I believe that 2-3 times a month the moon greatly influences the economic behavior of the entire planet. I have observed that when the moon phases from one quadrant to the next there is a consistent pattern of extreme levels reached in the currency markets.

The next phase is a full moon on the 14th. So, starting today, using convential technical analysis I will be looking for a reversal in prices. Now, the critics say that its impossible to apply such simplistic notions and often they are right. but the beauty of following the moon and then tech analysis rather than the other way around is that you are ALWAYS early to the new trend, your never buying from the smart money for me, that's the biggest edge I have ever found.

Now, it is possible that friday was the high on the dollar for the next 7 days. Sometimes this moon phase theory is off but thats ok, if I see a bottom formation today forming on the eur or gbp, i will be a buyer at these levels.

you can find the moon phases for the next 10 years on the web, just do a search




thank you for you illustrative and qood explanation.

i know that all systems(evem the easiest one)need practice and practice.but i want to use your experience too.i got u compeletly but one thing is not clear for me exactly and it is:

we accept that these kinds of phenomenean affect on market ,ok. but how we should find that which market(let say which pair)be affected by these.

thanks for your patience


thank you for you illustrative and qood explanation.

i know that all systems(evem the easiest one)need practice and practice.but i want to use your experience too.i got u compeletly but one thing is not clear for me exactly and it is:

we accept that these kinds of phenomenean affect on market ,ok. but how we should find that which market(let say which pair)be affected by these.

thanks for your patience

there is no systematic observation of lunar phenomena on mkts (that is to say it is not 100% accurate), thats why it can be so easily dismissed. just watch and observe yourself.

there is no systematic observation of lunar phenomena on mkts (that is to say it is not 100% accurate), thats why it can be so easily dismissed. just watch and observe yourself.

thanks.i'll do that

hi kamyar.

my advice is the start with the most basic phenomena that you can. the quarter phase of the moon.

perhaps its not as common knowledge as I orginally thought so I will give you my interpretation.

I believe that 2-3 times a month the moon greatly influences the economic behavior of the entire planet. I have observed that when the moon phases from one quadrant to the next there is a consistent pattern of extreme levels reached in the currency markets.

The next phase is a full moon on the 14th. So, starting today, using convential technical analysis I will be looking for a reversal in prices. Now, the critics say that its impossible to apply such simplistic notions and often they are right. but the beauty of following the moon and then tech analysis rather than the other way around is that you are ALWAYS early to the new trend, your never buying from the smart money for me, that's the biggest edge I have ever found.

Now, it is possible that friday was the high on the dollar for the next 7 days. Sometimes this moon phase theory is off but thats ok, if I see a bottom formation today forming on the eur or gbp, i will be a buyer at these levels.

you can find the moon phases for the next 10 years on the web, just do a search


i think we can say that is has worked! 1-2 Cent in the cabel, depending from the entry .....

I believe that 2-3 times a month the moon greatly influences the economic behavior of the entire planet. I have observed that when the moon phases from one quadrant to the next there is a consistent pattern of extreme levels reached in the currency market

Can you explain it a littel more? Thanks in advance.

Good Trading

I'm waiting for the USD/JPY extremum on March 25. Since it is Saturday, consider Friday or Monday.

Hi Bogdan,

hope you've done well since your last post, it's been a nice trending market. Just wondering what an 'extremum' is?


Hi guys,

I'm reading all your posts because I'm interested in trading based on astro events that's why I started this thread. I just wonder which techical indicators you use to trade, and also what kind of astro event do you rely on?

Thank you in advance


