Most people here seem to keep getting stuck.



I am wondering why there isnt a manual for trouble shooting that could guide us thru our problems. Tradestattion has free tutorials, seminars and more and I am stuck even with them. Isnt there an easier way to learn this stuff? I know no coding at all. Should I just hire someone to make the few systems Id want to test. What would he likely charge per hour? heck, I wish someone would just sell me a manual! Also I notice with other backtesting software, they all fail in real time. that scares me. Example:trading solutions



I am wondering why there isnt a manual for trouble shooting that could guide us thru our problems. Tradestattion has free tutorials, seminars and more and I am stuck even with them. Isnt there an easier way to learn this stuff? I know no coding at all. Should I just hire someone to make the few systems Id want to test. What would he likely charge per hour? heck, I wish someone would just sell me a manual! Also I notice with other backtesting software, they all fail in real time. that scares me. Example:trading solutions



You need Codersguru lessons


Yes Coder's guide is excellent. You should also pick up a copy of C++ for Dummies. You will be able to pick it up very quick with both references.


I am wondering why there isnt a manual for trouble shooting that could guide us thru our problems. Tradestattion has free tutorials, seminars and more and I am stuck even with them. Isnt there an easier way to learn this stuff? I know no coding at all. Should I just hire someone to make the few systems Id want to test. What would he likely charge per hour? heck, I wish someone would just sell me a manual! Also I notice with other backtesting software, they all fail in real time. that scares me. Example:trading solutions


Personally, I just wanted a simple method of trading without having to do all that stuff, so I developed my own, based on ancient knowledge, that seems to work nicely. After 3 months, I was getting 60% ROI, which is good enought for now.



Nice Guy,

it will be a great if your shre your system here so otehr can also test it.


Nice Guy,

it will be a great if your shre your system here so otehr can also test it.

I'd love to, and I've put the website in my CP.

It's partly mindset, and that is individual work that many need help with. I certainly did, because it explores the subconscious drivers of our behaviour and enables us to change them to a success mentality, which most people need help with. However much work we feel we do on ourselves, we cannot, by definition, be aware of what our subconscious is causing us to do.

The other part is technique. This system doesn't conveniently give you signals, entry and exit points, but it does (with the mindset side) empower you to trade so you don't have to rely on outside sources for inspiration or worse still mecahnical information. What it does show you is the universal framework that governs all currency movements. It's based on Fibonacci, but applied in a totally different way.

But be warned! This idea is difficult for seasoned traders to take on, because it probable involves 'unlearning' a load of stuff, or admitting that, despite the clever complex processes they have adopted and all the education they have done, they are still not super rich (and I'm not yet either, by the way!), and this way of working is incredibly simple, and employs both sides of the brain, which most of us are not trained to do.