Syncing indicators, etc. for those who have multiple MT4 installations



I wanted to find a tool to keep my experts, indicators, templates, etc. in sync across all my MT4 installations.

I did a quick search and this is the best I could find that was free and easy. Anyone with better suggestions please post. I did not test it yet, I just downloaded and I'm posting because it is on my mind. But I don't see why it wouldn't work as advertised.

Not sure if it will across across network folders but if it does then it could be used to sync with your remote MT4 installations also.

Make sure you read the instructions (i.e. run without any parameters) before first using. You want to know what is going on before you use. I would back up your files in each MT4 installation before using first time just in case.

I repeat... read the instructions... it is helpful to know, for instance, that new files in the destination folder (secondary MT4 installation's experts, indicators & templates or whatever folders you are syncing to) will be wiped out during next mirroring. This is fine if you understand the implications... i.e. if you prefer to do all development on primary MT4 installation.

it is a command line file so you need to run it from the command prompt. I recommend "send to" powertoys. google it and download. It is great. You can send the file to the command prompt (so it opens the command prompt for you in the right directory). Also you can add any folder to your send to menu. Very useful. For instance, I use it to send any indicators I download to the appropriate indicators, experts, scripts, templates, etc. folder.


file is attached. It is mirror.exe in a zip file. For those worried about viruses, trojans, etc. scan it first or download it like I just did from (and then scan for viruses if you are concerned). If you are still terrified after that then it might be wise to revaluate your backup situation and backup more frequently.

Files:  90 kb

I guess for mirroring to network folders, pushd might work:;en-us;317379&sd=tech

e.g. pushd \\ComputerName\shared_folder

then it would probably be assigned to Z:

then you could use Z: as the destination in mirror (I guess, I haven't tested that out yet because I'm still waiting to get my other computer put together)


ok, I've tested it now for syncing a primary installation to a secondary installation on the same computer.

SBFX is my primary (development) installation

MT North Finance is a secondary installation

The sbx to nf batch file will sync everything in the

\templates (and subfolders)

\experts\indicators (and subfolders)

\experts\scripts (and subfolders)

\experts\libraries (and subfolders)

\experts\include (and subfolders)

folders from sbfx -> mt nf

seems to work for me so far.

note: it will delete all files in those folders listed above (and their subfolders) of mt nf that are not in those of sbfx (which is good for me, but it is something you should be aware of)

note: I would back up your files in the destination (secondary install - in this case mt nf folders) first. I didn't but... that's my advice anyhow.

it is best to run it from within a command prompt at first so you can actually see what happens. otherwise if you just double click it, it will run quickly and close the window before you can see what happened.

note: mirror_sbfx_to_nf calls the generic mirror_mt4.bat
