Platform for newbie



like to know if anyone can recommend a newbie platform or something...

any good resource to read?

technical analysis etc?



like to know if anyone can recommend a newbie platform or something...

any good resource to read?

technical analysis etc?


You may go to Documentation section to read something.

For example this one. And read this forum and other forums as well.

As to my experience so I think that you may try to find the system for you to trade according to your character and personality. It is not easy.


like to know if anyone can recommend a newbie platform or something...

any good resource to read?

technical analysis etc?



Hey Newt. [alien fan i'm guessin' or perhaps you just like salamanders]

If you haven't tried it yet I would Highly recommend Visual Trading as a platform. It comes packaged with an unlimited expiry Demo acct with CMS.

You may want to google CMS +Fx +Demo to find it.



Access denied

You may go to Documentation section to read something.

For example this one. And read this forum and other forums as well.

As to my experience so I think that you may try to find the system for you to trade according to your character and personality. It is not easy.


I came across this thread and as a newbie thought it "this one" might be interesting, but I'm not allowed access to it. Is there something I should be doing or can do to gain access?

Many thanks.



I came across this thread and as a newbie thought it "this one" might be interesting, but I'm not allowed access to it. Is there something I should be doing or can do to gain access?

Many thanks.


Deleted. Sorry.

It was e-book.